
  • 网络black out
  1. 他感到一阵眩晕,眼前发黑。

    A dizziness overcame him , blurring his vision .

  2. 傍晚时分,我可以直望着太阳,不会有眼前发黑的感觉。

    In the evening I can look straight into it without getting the blackness .

  3. 飞机作这样的急速下降本来是会使缺乏经验的人眼前发黑的。

    A steep descent in an airplane like this would have blacked out a fledgling .

  4. 他声称他开车时咳嗽发作,眼前发黑,并否认谋杀罪。

    He claimed he had blacked out during a coughing fit while driving and pleaded not guilty to the murder charges .

  5. 她眼前一时发黑,但神志依然清醒。

    She blacked out , but her mind was clear .

  6. 他眼前一时发黑,但是神志还是清醒的。

    He blacked out , but his mind was clear .

  7. 今天的体育课上的超不爽,不知今天怎么变得这么弱,才跑了一点点远,眼前就发黑了,还好我调整的好,不然就要倒在操场了。

    Physical education on today 's ultra-accurate , I do not know how today is so weak , it ran a little bit far on the black eyes , and better adjust my good , otherwise we should do in the playground .