
  • 网络fume-removal equipment;extraction equipment;exhaust plant;evacuating equipment
  1. 电厂抽气设备的经济性比较及改进初探

    Comparison on Economies of Air Extractors in Power Plant and Discussion on Improvement

  2. 现在已经采用了低温吸附技术和吸气离子泵的近代电子抽气设备。

    Recent electronic means of pumping using low temperature sorption techniques and getter-ion pumps have been introduced .

  3. 一主导管一端配接在该抽气设备;

    One end of a main pipe is connected with the air extractor in a matching mode ;

  4. 本文介绍适用于干式减压蒸馏的特殊结构真空抽气设备。

    This paper introduced a new type and special structured vacuum pump unit suitable for dry type reduced-pressure distillation .

  5. 在罩式电炉内处理,采取液氮作为保护气体,并设真空抽气设备。

    Liquid nitrogen is adopted as protective atmosphere in bell type furnace for which vacuum pumping system are provide also .

  6. 本文对爪型泵同罗茨泵和叶片泵进行比较,表明爪型泵是无油系统的理想抽气设备。

    In this paper , the claw-type pump is compared with the roots pump and the vane pump . It is indicated that the claw & type pump is a desirable pumping equipment for oil free vacuum system .

  7. 现有的凝汽器最佳真空的确定方法只适用于凝汽器水侧管壁清洁、汽轮机真空系统严密性正常或抽气设备运行性能正常的工况。

    The existing determining method of the optimum vacuum of condenser is only fit for the condition of that condenser is clean in tubes and vacuum system tightness is up to standard or the performance of air ejector is normal .

  8. 本实用新型提供的真空冷却系统,可以提高冷却抽气处理设备的运行效率,从而降低成本。

    A vacuum cooling system provided by the utility model can improve the operation efficiency of cooling and air exhaust processing equipment , thereby lowering the cost .

  9. 一种新型的抽气充氧设备&锥形三通

    The tapered Wye branch & a new oxygenation equipment with air draft

  10. 针对分子筛灌装机的真空系统要求,计算真空室要求达到的真空度,确定抽气速率,为设备开发选取合适的真空泵提供依据。

    Automatic zeolite filling machine for vacuum system requirements , calculate the vacuum chamber to the vacuum required to determine the ventilation rate , select the appropriate equipment development for the vacuum pump .