
  • 网络emc standard
  1. 电磁兼容标准及其检测技术

    EMC Standard and Its Testing Technology

  2. 本文介绍了国际上主要国家电磁兼容标准,以及对主要项目进行电磁兼容标准测试的要求。

    This paper introduces the EMC Standards in several major countries and the requirements for the EMC standard testing of fundamental items .

  3. 介绍了与UPS电源相关的电磁兼容标准要求,分析和给出UPS电磁兼容的设计思路和部分具体对策。

    This paper introduces the requirements of current EMC standards for UPS , and discusses how to meet these requirements in designing UPS .

  4. 将测量数据与当前国际电工委员会的IEC61000-4系列电磁兼容标准进行了相关比较,针对基于SVC的电磁辐射干扰提出两项抗扰性试验的具体改进建议。

    The results were correlated to the present EMC standards IEC 61000-4 series , with two recommendations for changes in the immunity tests specifically for SVC-based emissions .

  5. 为了提高产品在电磁兼容标准测试中的通过率,生产厂家一般先在研发、设计阶段对产品进行EMC预测试。

    In order to obtain high pass ratio in the EMC certificating test , the manufacturers usually carry out the electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) pretest during research and development of product .

  6. 继电保护与自动化设备电磁兼容标准及其发展动向

    EMC Standards and Development Trends of Relay Protection and Automation Equipment

  7. 集成电路电磁兼容标准概述

    An overview of standards in electromagnetic compatibility for integrated circuits

  8. 电力系统继电保护及自动化设备电磁兼容标准的发展动向

    Developing Tendency of Electromagnetic Compatible Standard in Power System Protection and Automation Device

  9. 浅谈电磁兼容标准的发展概况

    Preliminary Discussion on Development of Standards of Electromagnetic Compatibility

  10. 我国继电保护装置电磁兼容标准及技术偏离

    EMC Standards of Relay and Protection Equipment and Correlative Technical Deviation in China

  11. 低压电器产品电磁兼容标准及其检测

    EMC Standards and Inspection for Low Voltage Electrical Apparatus

  12. 浅析数字电视接收机电磁兼容标准

    Electromagnetic Compatibility Standard on Digital Television Broadcast Receivers

  13. 国内外电磁兼容标准概况与测试手段简介

    Introduction of the General Situation and Test Method of Domestic and Oversea EMC standards

  14. 对建立和健全继电保护的电磁兼容标准的几点意见

    Some suggestions on the drawing & up and perfection of EMC standards for protective relays

  15. 新电磁兼容标准条件下的功率因数校正电路的设计分析

    Design and analysis of power factor correction circuits to comply with new version of regulations

  16. 电磁兼容标准及其选用

    EMC Standards and Its Application

  17. 电子、电信、信息系统和大型计算机系统的接地与电磁兼容标准中存在的若干问题

    Some problems about standards of grounding and EMC in electronic , communication , information and computer systems

  18. 详细介绍了低压电器产品的电磁兼容标准,探讨了低压电器产品的抗扰度性和电磁发射两项电磁兼容性检测试验项目。

    The immunity test and emission test of some main products of low voltage electrical apparatus were discussed .

  19. 本文在分析汽车电磁兼容标准和汽车电气原理的基础上,就汽车的电磁环境进行了详细的分析,包括汽车内用电设备的类型,以及电磁干扰产生的形式。

    This paper discussed the electromagnetic compatible environment of vehicle including the types of wirings in vehicle and the forms of electromagnetic interfere .

  20. 同时,简要介绍了与高频开关电源和不间断电源相关的国内外电磁兼容标准,对其中的一些重要内容以表格的形式逐项列出,并给出部分通信电源传导骚扰电压和辐射骚扰场强的测试结果。

    This article also briefly introduced and tabulated the important internal and external standards for the testing of electromagnetic compatibility related to switch power supply and uninterrupted power system .

  21. 恒温恒湿系统的温度在10℃~35℃连续可调、湿度控制在30%~60%之间,满足了电磁兼容标准对试验环境气候条件要求的最大范围;

    The climate conditioning system provides adjustable temperature between 10 ℃~ 35 ℃ and humidity between 30 % ~ 60 % , it meets those requirement for testing climate in relative standards .

  22. 介绍了数字电视接收机电磁兼容标准,并针对数字电视接收机和模拟电视接收机的不同进行了对比说明,以使广大测试人员和生产企业更好地掌握新标准。

    This article mainly introduces the electromagnetic compatibility standard on digital television receivers and compares the difference between digital television receivers and analog television receivers , so that the testing personnel and manufacturing enterprises can apply the new standard in a better way .

  23. 讲述了欧共体实施的EMC(电磁兼容)标准的技术细则。

    The technical rules of European Community EMC standard was introduced .

  24. 同时给出了部分GOSTR认证中的电磁兼容测试标准,供EMC测试人员及生产企业参考。

    Give some EMC standards in Russia for EMC measurement engineers and manufacturers .

  25. 电磁兼容国际标准与IEC/TC77

    International Standards on EMC and IEC / TC77

  26. 制定医用电气设备电磁兼容国家标准势在必行

    Setting up the National Standard of Electromagnetic Compatibility for Medical Electronical Devices and Equipments is an Imperative Trend under the Circumstance

  27. 主要对澳大利亚及新西兰电磁兼容认证组织、标准、产品分级和实验室进行了介绍,以便于EMC实验室测试人员及生产企业了解相关变化情况。

    Mainly describe EMC authorities , EMC standards and accredited laboratories in Australia and New Zealand for the EMC measurement engineers and manufacturer .

  28. 包括电磁兼容简介、电磁兼容标准、电磁兼容测试、电磁兼容设计、电磁兼容预测五个子系统。

    The application are finished and made up of five subsystems : EMC Introduction , EMC standard , EMC Testing , EMC Design and EMC forecasting .

  29. 文章就智能化输配电设备,以及其对电磁干扰和电磁兼容试验与标准作了较祥尽叙述。

    This paper at some length deals with intelligent power transmission and distribution equipment , electromagnetic interference , electromagnetic compatibility test and standards .

  30. 介绍电磁兼容涉及的学科内容、电磁兼容技术标准制定及认证工作的现状,着重论述了智能建筑弱电系统工程设计中的电磁兼容性问题。

    This paper discusses on each weak electronic system and wiring of the intelligent residential system , and puts forward some principles of matters needing attention in the design of the system .