
  • 网络electrolytic manganese dioxide;Emd;nano-EMD
  1. 分析了我国电解二氧化锰工业的过去和现状;

    The past and state of china , s EMD industry were analyzed .

  2. 电解二氧化锰产品目标成本管理

    Target cost control for EMD product

  3. 微晶电解二氧化锰制备Mn3O4的研究

    Study on the preparation of Mn_3O_4 from microcrystal electrolysis dioxide manganese

  4. 用X射线衍射定量物相分析法.测定了不同产地EMD(电解二氧化锰)中不同晶型二氧化锰的含量。

    Quantitative analysis of phase composition of EMD ( electrolytic manganese dioxide ) by X-ray diffraction method is introduced .

  5. 提银含锰废液生产电解二氧化锰(EMD)的工艺研究

    Study on Process for Preparation of Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide ( EMD ) from Desilver Waste Liquid

  6. 对电解二氧化锰(EMD)的粉末与大颗粒中和工艺进行了考察。

    The powder and large granule neutralization processes for electrolytic manganese dioxide ( EMD ) were analyzed .

  7. 在电解二氧化锰生产中去除硫酸锰溶液中As、Sb、Mo等离子的方法

    On the Means of Eliminating As , Sb and Mo Plasma from Manganese Sulfate Solution in the Process of Producing Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide

  8. 埃赫曼化工在中国广西崇左市已经建立起了电解二氧化锰(EMD)工厂,成立了广西埃赫曼康密劳化工有限公司。

    Erachem Comilog has set up an EMD factory in Chongzuo , Guangxi and established Guangxi Eramet Comilog Chemicals Company .

  9. 铅合金阳极制备电解二氧化锰的研究(Ⅱ)&EMD(Pb)样品的放电性能及其理化特性

    A Study on the Manganese Dioxide Prepared by Lead Alloy Anodic ( II ) & Discharge Characteristics and the Physical and Chemical Properties of EMD ( Pb ) Samples

  10. 用于碱性锌锰干电池正极活性材料的电解二氧化锰,其化学成分中的As、Sb、Mo杂质含量为00000005%(05ppm)以下。

    Used in the active materials of crown cells is the electrolytic manganese dioxide whose chemical ingredients consist of content of impurity substance less than 0.5 ppm .

  11. 研究了以一水氢氧化锂、电解二氧化锰EMD、三氧化二铬为原料,直接高温固相合成LiMn(0.85)Cr(0.15)O2。

    LiMn_0.85Cr_0.15O_2 was synthesized with lithium hydroxide , electrolyte manganese dioxide , chromium trioxide by solid state synthesis method at high temperature .

  12. 论文以电解二氧化锰(EMD)为研究对象,对水浴加热和微波加热两种方式下锰浸出率进行了对比,实验结果表明:相同温度下,水浴加热的锰浸出率要高于微波加热。

    The results showed that the leaching rate of manganese with water-bath heating is higher than that of microwave heating at the same temperature .

  13. 电解二氧化锰(EMD)用波纹状Ti-Mn复合阳极由波纹状Ti基Ti-Mn合金复合阳极大板、Ti加强筋及铝横担组成。

    The composite anode for production of electrolytic manganese dioxide ( EMD ) consists of Ti base corrugated panel covered with Ti-Mn alloys , Ti stiffening bars and Al hanger bar .

  14. 电解二氧化锰(EMD)产业以资源和能源消耗高、废水和废渣排放量大等为特征。

    Electrolytic manganese dioxide ( EMD ) industry had the characteristics of high consuming of ores and energy sources as well as large amount of waste water and residue .

  15. 电解二氧化锰在MgSO4溶液中的电化学行为

    Electrochemical Behavior of Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide in MgSO_ ( 4 ) Solution

  16. 介绍了几种关于锌锰电池用电解二氧化锰(EMD)理化特性及化学性能的判定方法,即快速连放法、高温贮存法及锌片试验法等。

    The methods to determine the physical and chemical performance of electrolytic manganese dioxide ( EMD ) were introduced . They were fast continuous discharge method , high temperature storage method and zinc flake method and so on .

  17. 碱锰电池开路电压不均匀,与温度、钢壳生锈、电解二氧化锰(EMD)、电解液浓度、吸液量及负极有机缓蚀剂的含量等因素有关,其影响程度为8~40mV。

    The factors which caused uneven open circuit voltage ( OCV ) of alkaline Zn / MnO_2 batteries were related to temperature , steel can rusting , the variety of electrolytic manganese dioxide ( EMD ), concentration of electrolyte , electrolyte absorption and the content of negative inhibitor etc.

  18. 探讨了几个主要工艺条件对制备微晶电解二氧化锰的影响,以及焙烧时间和焙烧温度对Mn3O4转化率的影响。

    The effects of some technological conditions on the production process and the effects of roasting time and roasting temperature on the inversion ratio of Mn 3O 4 are presented .

  19. 纤维态电解二氧化锰的半导体性质与电池活性的关系

    Relationship between Semiconductor Properties and Cathodic Behavior of Fibrous Manganese Dioxide

  20. 通过磁化提高电解二氧化锰放电性能

    Enhancing the discharging performance of electrolytic manganese dioxide with magnetic approach

  21. 电解二氧化锰生产中贫锰矿浸取工艺的优化

    Optimize the Leaching Process of Producing Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide from Rhodochrosite

  22. 立式棒式搅拌磨矿机细磨电解二氧化锰的试验和应用

    Electrolysis of MnO_2 in Vertical Stirring and Grinding Mill & Its Application

  23. 电解二氧化锰用阳极材料的发展与应用

    Application and Development of Anode Materials Used in EMD Production

  24. 电解二氧化锰用钛基钛锰合金全浸没板状阳极的研制

    Development of Fully-immersed Slab Titanium-Base Titanium-Manganese Alloy Anode for Electrolyzing Manganese Dioxide

  25. 提高电解二氧化锰阳极电流效率的研讨

    Study on Increasing Current Efficiency From Electrolysing Manganese Dioxide

  26. 无汞碱性电池专用电解二氧化锰是制造无汞碱性电池的关键材料。

    High performance EMD are the key materials for mercury-free alkaline Zn-MnO 2 batteries ;

  27. 电解二氧化锰的掺钛研究

    Research on the doped titanium electrolytic manganese dioxide

  28. 电解二氧化锰生产中的质量管理

    Quality control in producing electrolytic manganese dioxide

  29. 在现今所有的锰化工产品中,电解二氧化锰已经成为最具重要意义的产品。

    In Mn-chemical products , Electrolytic MnO_2 has become a kind of very important product .

  30. 电解二氧化锰(四)&第四讲电解二氧化锰的制造(后处理部分)

    Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide ( Part 4 )