
  1. 慢脉冲快速充电控制电池极化的研究

    The fast charge with slow pulse on controlling the polarization of battery

  2. 铅酸蓄电池的传统外化成方法,不仅污染环境,而且化成时间长,电池极化严重,效率不高,能源浪费严重。

    Tank formation of the lead-acid battery not only pollutes the environment but also polarizes the battery , it is inefficient and wastes energy largely .

  3. 热处理正极碳毡可以大大降低电池极化内阻,负极碳毡热处理后降低了析氢过电位,从而降低了电池的电流效率;

    The heat treatment of positive felt could decrease the cell 's resistance dramatically , but that of negative felt induced low hydrogen evolution over potentiality and low current efficiency .

  4. 验证结果表明,燃料电池极化电压模型能够描述燃料电池稳态输出特性,根据电化学理论提出的燃料电池极化电压理论&经验模型的方法是可行的。

    It is shown by test results that the fuel cell electric polarization pressure model can describe its steady output characteristics , and the theoretical-empirical model of fuel cell electric polarization pressure presented based on electric chemistry theory is feasible .

  5. 氧电化还原反应的交换电流密度很小,导致低温H2-O2燃料电池的极化主要发生在氧电极,严重影响了电池性能。

    The exchange current density of the oxygen electrode is so low that the over-potential mostly happens on the cathode in the fuel cell .

  6. 用该种方法制备MEA,并通过电池的极化曲线等方法深入研究了膜电极制备条件、组分含量等对电池性能的影响。

    The MEA with domestic key material was prepared by a novel method , and the effects of ingredient and technology on its polarization curves were sudied .

  7. 加入GBL促进负极表面低阻抗膜的形成,降低电池的极化,增大膜的导电性。

    GBL was added to promote the formation of the negative electrode surface of the low resistance film , reducing the polarization of the battery , the conductivity of the film was increased .

  8. 伏安曲线拟合法研究燃料电池的极化阻力

    Investigation of polarization resistance of fuel cells by fitting current-voltage curves

  9. 交流阻抗谱法研究燃料电池的极化阻力

    Investigation of polarization resistance of fuel cells by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

  10. 锌&空电池欧姆极化的研究

    The Research on the Ohm Polarization of Zn-Air Battery

  11. 增加电解液体积流率可以在一定的范围内减小电池的极化,提高电池性能。

    When the electrolyte flowrate increase within certain range , three polarizations decreases slightly and the battery performance can be improved .

  12. 基于数字相敏检波的恒流源输出阻抗检测及补偿技术实现交流阻抗谱法研究燃料电池的极化阻力

    Method for Impedance Detection and Compensation Technique Based on DPSD Investigation of polarization resistance of fuel cells by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

  13. 阳极反应速率及氢气的传质速率高,电池的极化过电势主要来自于阴极反应;

    The hydrogen has greater mass transfer rate and reaction rate in the anode , so the polarization in the cell mostly owes to the cathode reaction ;

  14. 极板结构直接影响微型直接甲醇燃料电池的极化特性,采用微机械加工技术制作几种不同极板流场结构的直接甲醇燃料电池。

    The plate configurations have great effects on the polarization characteristics of micro direct methanol fuel cell (μ DMFC ), and this paper presented three different flow field configurations of DMFC using micromachining technology .

  15. 采用模拟闭塞电池恒电位极化法研究了模拟铁器文物在碱性溶液脱氯过程中外电位对闭塞区内电化学状态的影响。

    The influence of applied potentials on electrochemical states within occluded cell during desalination of simulated cast iron artifacts in alkaline solution was investigated by means of potentiostatic polarization of simulated occluded cell .

  16. 应用电化学原理,在铅蓄电池电解液中添加一种强化剂,可以减轻电池极板的极化,增加电池容量和放电能力,延长蓄电池使用寿命。

    According to electro-chemical principle , an intensifying agent through research work be added to the lead accumulator 's electric liquor , and a result of electrode polarization lessening , cell 's volumetric capacity and electric discharge ability enhancing , as well as service life lengthening has been achieved .

  17. 对锌-空气电池,通过电极极化曲线,讨论了氧电极和锌电极的性能。

    The performances of the oxygen electrode and zinc electrode were discussed for the zinc-air battery through the polarization curves of electrodes .

  18. 结果表明,在硼氢化钠燃料电池和锌-空气电池中,阳极极化较小,受温度影响较小;氧电极极化较大,其极化随着温度的上升而降低。

    The results indicated that the polarizations of the anodes are smaller and less effected by the temperature , and the polarizations of the oxygen electrode are larger and declines with rising temperature in the sodium borohydride fuel cell and zinc-air battery .

  19. 计算结果表明,减少电解质厚度和提高电池电流收集器的导电性可以减少电池的欧姆极化,提高电池的输出能力。

    Results show that an improved performance of the tubular SOFC can be achieved by decreasing the ohmic polarization on the condition of decreasing thickness of the electrolyte and resistivity of the collector .

  20. 研制了用氯化钠溶液作电液的三瓦铝&空气电池,并测试了氧电极、铝电极和电池的极化曲线、间放性能以及电池工作滞后时间与温度的关系。

    Three watt aluminium air batteries with NaCl electrolyte have been developed , the x - I curves of oxygen electrode , aluminium electrode and the batteries were tested . The performance of intermittent discharge and the relation between voltage delay and temperature have been examined .

  21. 以铅酸电池为例介绍了慢脉冲快速充电方法有效控制电池充电时电池的极化。

    The fast charge with slow pulse for lead acid battery could efficiently control the polarization in the battery .