
  • 网络electrical engineer;Power Engineer
  1. 圣犹达医疗公司电力工程师职位面试题。

    Asked by St. Jude Medical for a electrical engineer co-op position 。

  2. 我还认识一个退休的电力工程师,退休之后他成为了一名身价颇高的陶器艺术家。

    I know a retired electrical engineer who has become a highly-paid ceramic artist .

  3. 负荷优化技术在不改造发电企业硬件的前提下,仅需通过对各机组的负荷指令进行重新分配,即可有效地提高发电企业的经济性,引起了电力工程师们的广泛关注。

    Load distribution optimization can effectively improve the efficiency of power generation enterprises without changing their hardware , just redistributing the load instructions of the units .

  4. 早些时候,当地媒体认为他可能是核科学家,但是现在他们说应该是另一个不同的人,报道称,应该是为国防部工作的电力工程师。

    Earlier , local media suggested that he was a nuclear scientist , but now they say it was a different person , an electrical engineer who , reports say , worked for the Ministry of Defence .

  5. 东京电力公司工程师正日以继夜的稳定核电工厂,自从自从地震及海啸毁坏了冷却反应堆的后备电力系统。

    Tokyo Electric Power Co engineers have been working around the clock to stabilize the nuclear plant since the earthquake and tsunami knocked out the back-up power system needed to cool the reactors .

  6. 电力建设总监理工程师胜任特征分析

    Analysis on Competency of General Supervising Engineer in Power Construction

  7. 融入华东电网实现资源的优化配置积极应对安徽电网面临的机遇和挑战&访安徽省电力公司关守仲总工程师

    Integrating with East China Power Grid to realize optimal allocation of resource and actively meet opportunities and challenges facing Anhui Power Grid Interview with GUAN Shou-zhong , Chief Engineer of Anhui Electric Power Company

  8. 同时电力系统的操作需要电力系统工程师和操作员分析大量的数据。

    The engineers of power system also need to analyze large amounts of data for the operation of power system .

  9. 在电力的众特性之中,电力系统工程师主要关心的是保持恒定的工作频率。

    Of the characteristics of electric power , the primary concern of the electric power system engineers is to maintain a constant operating frequency .

  10. 依靠技术进步全面创建国际一流电力企业&访上海市电力公司曾德君总工程师

    Building internationally first-class electric power enterprise relying on technological progress Interview with ZENG De-jun , Chief Engineer of Shanghai Electric Power Company