
  • 网络cable head;cable socket
  1. 变电站35kV电缆头击穿事故原因分析及处理

    Cause Analysis and its Treatment to 35 kV Cable Head Dielectric Breakdown Accident in Substation

  2. 红外技术诊断电缆头过热缺陷

    Diagnoses of overheat defectiveness of the cable head by infrared technique

  3. 电缆头从墙里露出来了。

    The end of the cable was left poking out of the wall .

  4. 同轴电缆头和转接头HPM击穿现象初步分析

    Elementary analysis on breakdown phenomenon of coaxial - cable and connector

  5. 通过对110kV电缆头制作过程中普遍存在的因界面压力、电缆主绝缘回缩、受潮和施工环境等问题的介绍,分析了各环节应注意的问题,提出相应对策。

    A few problems , during making the cross-linked cable joints , caused by interfacial pressure , withdrawing of cable main insulation layers , humidity and so on , were introduced , some problems noticeable during manufacturing them were analyzed , and the countermeasures were presented in the paper .

  6. 高压塑料绝缘电缆头制作安装的故障预防

    Trouble Prevention for the Production and Installation of High-voltage Plastic Insulated Cable Head

  7. 电缆头温度在线监测系统的可用性

    Usability of the temperature of the end of the cables on-line monitor system

  8. 交联聚乙烯电力电缆头的制作

    Manufacturing of electrical cable head insulated with crosslinked polyethylene

  9. 必须防止电缆头受潮或进水。

    The cable should be stored carefully , avoiding the humidity and water infiltration .

  10. 高压交联聚乙稀电力电缆头典型故障分析

    Fault analysis of cable head for high-voltage XLPE

  11. 冷缩电缆头的制作与安装

    Fabrication and installation of cold contraction cable head

  12. 潜油电机与引接电缆头的联接密封研究

    Study on the Sealing Joint of under Oil Electrical Machine and Leading Cable Head

  13. 把电缆头与仪器连上。

    Connect the cable head with the tools .

  14. 回顾了用于电力电缆头制作的电气绝缘材料的发展状况。

    The development of electric insulating materials used for making power cable joints are reviewed .

  15. 热收缩电缆头的应用

    Application of Thermal Shrinkage Cable Joints

  16. 电气安装时控制电缆头的制作及二次接线方法

    Head continuous with body ; Fabrication of Control Cable Ends during Electrical Installation and Secondary Wiring Methods

  17. 那么根据现有技术水平和需要,有必要设计和制造出一种电缆头张力测量电路短节。

    Therefore , it is necessary to design and manufacture a circuit cartridge to measure cable head tensions .

  18. 分析了在大型厂矿安装电缆头温度测量与监视系统的必要性,并详细论述了其组成部件、特点、功能以及使用方法。

    The processing technology and the design of the tooling for the cable connectors used in the high_and low_voltage switch equipment were introduced .

  19. 为改变这种状况,研究改进了引接电缆头的结构形式和密封件材料。

    In order to change this situation , research was carried out to improve the structure of leading cable head and the sealing material .

  20. 油田使用的潜油电机引接电缆头密封质量差,严重影响机组正常运行。

    The under electrical machine and leading cable head used in oilfields were of poor quality , which has greatly influenced the operation of the unit .

  21. 本文研究了智能化配电开关的相关进展,完成了电气参数的监控、环境状态监控、安全防护监控、电缆头温度监控、视音频监测和开闭所综合监测管理平台的初步研究与开发。

    This paper studies the progress of intelligent power distribution switch and completes the monitoring of electrical parameters , state of the environment monitoring , security monitoring , cable head temperature monitoring , video and audio monitoring and switch station integrated monitoring and management platform for advanced research and development .

  22. 110kV电缆终端头爆炸事故分析

    Analysis of Explosion Accident of 110 kV Power Cable Termination

  23. 一起110kV干式电缆终端头放电短路事故的思考

    Thinking on Short Circuit Accident due to Discharge of 110 kV Dry Cable Terminal

  24. 提高高压聚氯乙烯电力电缆中间头制作质量的几点看法

    Opinions on Improving Quality of Fabricating Intermediate Joint of PVC High-voltage Power Cable

  25. 交联聚乙烯电力电缆中间头工艺改进

    Head continuous with body ; Improvement of Intermediate Joint Processing of Cross Linkage Polythene Electric Cables

  26. 用于通信电缆端头充气、非充气密封及电力电缆端头密封。

    Applied for sealing of the end of pressurized , non-pressurized communication cables and power cable .

  27. 绍了太钢五降压站分布式电缆中间头温度及水位监测系统的硬件组成、理、点及软件功能。

    The measuring and monitor system of temperature of cable connection at TG No.5 power station , including its hardware component , theory , characteristic and software function , are introduced .

  28. 通过对电缆连接头的温度进行实时监测,以及对电缆过热故障特性的分析,当电缆温度异常时,系统及时报警并通知运行人员进行处理。

    By monitoring temperature of power cable joints continually and analysis of cable over-heat fault character , the system can alarm operators dealing with abnormal phenomena when temperature of power cable joints exceeds its threshold .

  29. 220kV电缆及终端头局部放电测试技术的应用研究

    Application of Partial Discharge On-line Measuring System for 220 kV Power Cable and Cable Terminals

  30. 被测件经过电缆、转接头适配器与网络仪端口连接;

    DUT are joined with cables and adapters ;