
  1. 本文介绍用M1级砝码检定/校准电子台秤的工作中,怎样分析不确定度来源,计算各分量的标准不确定度、合成标准不确定度以及扩展不确定度的方法。

    This article introduced how to analyze uncertainty source in the work of class M1 weight verification / calibration electric platform scale , calculates various heft method of standard uncertainty , synthesis standard uncertainty and expansion uncertainty .

  2. MSX&66/155型电子台秤与计算机接口的一种方法

    A Method Interfaced MSX - 66 / 155 Electronic Weighing Scales with Computer

  3. 主要产品有电子计价秤、电子台秤、电子厨房秤、人体健康秤、珠宝秤、度盘秤、机械衡器等产品。

    Our main products : E-price scale , Electronic platform scale , electronic kitchen scale , health scale , jewelry scale and mechanical weighing apparatus , etc.