
  • 网络open circuit voltage;ocv;VOC;Vdc;uoc
  1. 复现后,开路电压短路电流修正值误差分别为0.46%和0.40%,符合IEC规定标准。

    After reappearing , the errors of the Voc and Isc were 0.46 % and 0.40 % respectively , which were accord with the IEC criterion .

  2. 另外,设置背场可以显著提高HIT太阳电池的开路电压和短路电流。

    Open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current of the solar cell with back surface field can be remarkably improved .

  3. 比较了PPy/V2O5及PPy/VXG复合材料的电化学性能,PPy/VXG较PPy/V2O5容量有所下降,但循环性能得到提高,且开路电压的静置稳定性较好。

    The electrochemical performances of PPy / V_2O_5 and PPy / VXG were compared .

  4. 关于弱光下晶体硅太阳电池开路电压V(oc)讨论的初步总结

    Open Circuit Voltage ( Voc ) of Crystalline-silicon Solar Cells under Low-intensity Light

  5. 开路电压V。。可以作为衡量晶硅太阳能电池发电性能的主要标准。

    The open circuit voltage Voc can be used as a measure of crystalline silicon solar cell power generation performance standard .

  6. 对于电池的剩余电量(SOC)估计,我们提出了结合Ah计量法、开路电压法和扩展卡尔曼滤波算法的新算法。

    For battery SOC estimation , we proposed a new algorithm of combining Ah metrology , open circuit voltage method and extended kalman filtering algorithm .

  7. 针对铅酸蓄电池,主要进行如下几方面的实验:开路电压与SOC的对应关系实验、小电流放电实验、不同环境温度下的大电流放电实验、间歇性大电流放电实验、变电流放电试验等等。

    Experiment of large discharge current in different temperature ; experiment of intermittence large discharge current ; experiment of variational discharge current and so on .

  8. 弱碱制备ZnO的DSSC填充因子较大,开路电压随盐碱比减小而增大。

    Higher fill factor is obtained by weak alkali and the voltage increases with the decrease of rate between salt and alkali .

  9. 由于H2S自分解影响以及受H2S电催化反应速率的限制,温度和燃料气流速对开路电压影响较复杂。

    OCV varies complicatedly with the operation conditions because of the self-decomposition of H_2S , as well as because of the limit of catalytic reaction of H_2S in anode .

  10. 提高硅太阳电池的转换效率主要在于提高开路电压V(oc)和短路电流密度J(sc)。

    The high efficiency of silicon solar cell depends on the increasements of open circuit voltage ( V ( oc )) and short current density ( J ( sc )) .

  11. 同时还通过电池开路电压与其容量间的关系及其电池的自放电等对SOC做一定修正。

    At the same time , through the relation of battery 's open-circuit-voltage and its capacity and the discharge by battery themselves , the SOC of the battery has been revised .

  12. 进行电机测试试验的试验项目包括:电阻试验、转子开路电压试验(绕线电机)、空载试验、堵转试验、负载试验、温升试验、MS曲线试验等项目。

    The items that will be experimented in the motor trial include : resistance trial , rotor open voltage trial ( round motor ), unload trial , load trial , temperature promotion trial , and MS curve trial .

  13. 复合算法是基于EKF算法并结合开路电压法和安时积分法来对电池的SOC进行估算的,并对复合算法进行了仿真验证。

    The composite algorithm is based on the EKF algorithm and combined with the open-circuit voltage method and the current integration method , and simulation results show the feasibility of complex algorithms .

  14. 在分析动力电池在混合动力汽车行驶时的充放电工作过程的基础上,建立了一种镍氢动力电池等效电路及其动力电池的参数模型,提出了基于稳态开路电压和状态空间的SOC动态估算方法。

    Moreover , on the basis of the analyzing the charging and discharging process of traction battery in running electric vehicles , a equivalent electric circuit of Ni-MH battery and its parameter model are proposed in detail .

  15. MH-Ni电池的剩余容量受到放电电流、开路电压、温度、电池老化以及电池之间不均衡性等多种因素的影响,因此对剩余容量的估计和预测具有一定的难度。

    SOC of MH-Ni battery is influenced by many factors such as discharging current 、 voltage , temperature , battery aging and so on .

  16. 因此建议使用开路电压随时间的衰减关系式(Voc(t))测量少子寿命的方法。

    Thus it is suggested that the lifetime of minority carrier should be measured by the relationship ( V_ ( oc )( t )) that open-circuit voltage decays with time .

  17. 经600℃退火处理的纳米管电极开路电压最大,电荷转移电阻最小,所表现出的光电响应特性与普通TiO2多孔膜电极基本相似。

    The interfacial charge transfer resistance of the electrode annealed at 600 ℃ is minimal , the photocurrent and the signal of open-circuit potential are maximal . Its photoelectric performances are similar with the ordinary TiO2 porous films electrode .

  18. 结果显示4种DSSC太阳能电池都测得了明显的开路电压和短路电流,并且开路电压比较稳定,成功获得了新的多酸型太阳能电池。

    The result showed that 4 kinds of DSSC had obtained the obvious open-circuit voltage and the short-circuit current , and the open-circuit voltage is quite stable .

  19. 本文详细给出了电解液比重法、开路电压法和闭路电压法等几种检测SOC的方法,确定了蓄电池端电压为系统的控制参数。

    This paper gives several methods to detect SOC , such as electrolyte specific gravity method , open circuit voltage method and closed-circuit voltage method , regard the terminal voltage of battery as the control parameters of the system .

  20. BCX电池有较高开路电压可改善放电电压滞后;

    The improvement of voltage delay might be related with the higher open-circuit voltage of BCX cell .

  21. 着重研究不同TiO2镀膜的厚度对染料敏化太阳能电池光电性能影响,包括光电转化效率、开路电压、短路电流、最大功率和填充因子。

    The thesis mainly focused on the effect of the different coating thickness of TiO2 on dye-sensitized solar cells performance , including the photoelectric conversion efficiency , open circuit voltage , short circuit current , maximum power and fill factor .

  22. 结果表明:电池开路电压(opencircuitvoltage,OCV)随温度的变化与理论结果一致,在800℃时,OCV达1.013V,最大输出功率约为190mW。

    The open circuit voltage ( OCV ) was 1.013 V and the maximum output power was about 190 mW at 800 ℃ .

  23. 本文模拟TTL集成电路的N-N~+-P结构,推导了光生少子分布,光电流和开路电压的表达式。

    The N-N + - P structure is used to imitate TTL integrated circuits . The expressions of distribution of minority curriers , photocurrent densities and open circuit voltage arc derived .

  24. 采用液体电解质的DSSC短路电流明显高于固体电解质,但开路电压没有明显影响。

    Using the liquid electrolyte the short-circuit current of the DSSC is higher than the solid electrolyte obviously , but the open-circuit voltage does not have the obvious influence .

  25. MgO薄膜的复合使染料敏化,敏化太阳能电池的开路电压从0.585V提高到0.659V,短路电流从2.057mA提高到2.348mA,从而使光电转换效率从2.24%提高到3.12%;

    This composite film can improve open circuit voltage from 0.585 V to 0.659 V , short circuit current from 2.057 mA to 2.348 mA and photo-to-electric conversion efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells improve from 2.24 % to 3.12 % .

  26. 本文给出了InSb探测器(PV型)在激光辐射下开路电压随时间变化的实验曲线,并对此结果作了理论分析,取得了相当好的一致性。

    Experimental curves of the open circuit voltage of an InSb ( PV ) detector versus time irradiation of laser are given . Some theoretical analyses are carried out and good agreement with our experiments is obtained .

  27. 各单体电池性能均一性较好,电堆的开路电压在4V左右,最大功率为300mW。

    The performance of each single cell is uniform . The OCV of the stack is around 4 V , with a maximum power of 300 mW .

  28. (平均值):开路电压为1.76V,短路电流为8.5A。

    The average openning voltage and shorting current are 1.76V and 8.5A respectively .

  29. 研究结果表明,电池开路电压随着阳极扩散层中PTFE载量的增加而上升,电池内阻也随着扩散层中PTFE载量的增加而增加。

    The experimental result showed that the open circuit voltage ( OCV ) increase with the improvement of the PTFE contents in anode diffusion layer , and the cell resistance increases with the improvement of the PTFE contents in diffusion layer .

  30. 初步研究了TiO2膜厚对电极光电性能的影响,探讨了开路电压,短路电流,填充因子和光电转换效率随膜厚变化的初步规律。

    The effect of the TiO_2 film thickness on the solar cell performance was primarily study . The influence of the thickness on the open circuit voltage , short circuit current , fill factor and photoelectron conversion efficiency was investigated .