
kāi gōng
  • start;commissioning;start to work;be put into operation;start operation;go into operation
开工 [kāi gōng]
  • (1) [go into operation]∶工厂开始生产或工程开始进行

  • 新厂开工了

  • (2) [start to work]∶土木工程开始修建

  • 水库工程开工了

开工[kāi gōng]
  1. 工程计划2007年下半年全线开工,到2011年全线建成通车运营。

    The project plans to go into operation in the second half of 2007 , and build up to business by 2011 .

  2. 至此,北京奥运会的11座新建体育场馆全部开工建设。

    So far , 11 of Beijing Olympic Games build stadium house construction of full go into operation .

  3. 新机场的修建已经开工。

    Work has begun on the construction of the new airport .

  4. 你得在他们开工之前拿到报价单。

    You need to get a written quotation before they start work .

  5. 所有材料都已运抵工地,可以立即开工。

    All the materials are on site so that work can start immediately .

  6. 公司原打算雇用不属于工会的工人重新开工。

    The company originally intended to reopen the factory with non-union workers

  7. 所有的煤矿都在开工的那个时候,这个社区的情况要更好一些。

    It was a better community then when all the pits were working .

  8. 为了节约能源,该共和国的工厂周末不开工。

    The republic 's factories have closed for the weekend to conserve energy .

  9. 因需求量大幅下降,全国的工人都开工不足。

    Workers across the country have been put on short time because of the slump in demand

  10. 即使在战争末期,德国工厂也基本上只在白天开工。

    Even at the end of the war , German factories mainly operated only in daytime .

  11. 已经开工了。

    The construction has begun .

  12. 新厂开工了。

    The new factory has gone into operation .

  13. 水库工程开工了。

    Construction of the reservoir has started .

  14. 工程直到上星期才全部开工。

    Not until last week was the project in full blast .

  15. 我们很早就开工,所以必须天亮时就起床。

    We start work early , so we have to get up at the crack of dawn .

  16. 加强新型城镇化建设,大力提升县城公共设施和服务能力,新开工改造城镇老旧小区3.9万个

    Strengthen the development of a new type of urbanization , improving public facilities and services in county seats and beginning the renovation communities .

  17. 牡佳高铁于2016年11月开工,全长371公里,设计时速250公里。通车后,牡丹江到佳木斯的通行时间将从7小时缩短为2小时。

    Construction of the Mudanjiang-Jiamusi high-speed railway started in November 2016 . The 371-kilometer line , designed for trains running at up to 250 kilometers per hour , will cut travel time between Mudanjiang and Jiamusi from seven to two hours .

  18. 讨论了加工时间依赖开工时间的FlowShop调度问题。

    This paper deals with the flow shop scheduling problems with processing time dependent on starting time .

  19. 好吧.开工后,给我15个工作日,我就再降个百分之十.10天如何?我要12天,否则免谈.成交.Vocabulary重要词汇bottomline总价底线

    Mel : Okay.Give me fifteen working days from start to finish and I 'll lower the price 10 % .

  20. 预处理&两段好氧工艺处理PTA生产废水的开工运行

    Pretreatment-Two Stage Aerobic Process for PTA Wastewater Treatment-Startup Scheme and Operating

  21. 500t/h污水处理场开工总结

    Starting Summarization of Wastewater Treatment Plant with Capacity of 500t / h

  22. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)预测,到2015年,新屋开工率将达到每年140万套,高于今年的70万套。

    Goldman Sachs expects housing starts to hit 1.4m annually by 2015 , up from 700,000 this year .

  23. 在我们开工前,我们的MT密我说:这太热了,我能不能穿得凉快些?

    Before we begun , our MT whispered me : It 's too hot here , and can I wear something cooler ?

  24. 人们预计,早在2008年就宣布在重庆建造新制造业基地的惠普(hp),将于明年开工生产。

    HP , which announced as early as 2008 that it was building a new manufacturing site there , is expected to start production next year .

  25. 上月,中国的施工队在一条贯穿尼加拉瓜的运河工地开工。这个雄心勃勃的项目投资500亿美元,有一天可能会与巴拿马运河(PanamaCanal)相匹敌。

    Last month , Chinese construction teams began work on an ambitious $ 50 billion canal across Nicaragua that could some day rival the Panama Canal .

  26. 硫化态和氧化态RS-1型加氢精制催化剂开工对比

    Startup performance comparison of sulfurized state and oxidation state RS-1 Hydrofining Catalysts

  27. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)中国房地产业分析师杜劲松表示,随着开发商推迟新项目开工,土地交易量也大幅下降,而且随着购房人买房意愿进一步减弱,土地交易量可能持续走弱。

    The volume of land transactions has also dropped sharply as developers hold off on new projects and will probably continue to weaken as homebuyer sentiment falls further , says Du Jinsong , China property analyst at Credit Suisse .

  28. 1.4Mt/a加氢裂化装置的开工及运行

    Startup and Operation of Qilu 1.4Mt/a Hydrocracking Plant

  29. 综述了当前世界聚苯乙烯(PS)市场的供需现状,指出目前全球生产能力大于消费需求量,致使开工率仅76%左右。

    The current situation of polystyrene supply and demand worldwide is summarized . It is pointed out that the operating rate of polystyrene units is only about 76 % because the production capacity exceeds the consumption demand in the world .

  30. 试用结果表明,采用新型交替运输机后,胶块的导向到位率由70%提高到98%减轻了劳动强度,提高了生产开工率;运行周期可达1a以上。

    The running of the transporter showed that the newly developed alternating transporter raised the guide positional ratio from 70 % to 98 % , reduced the labor intensity , the run length reached 1 a.