
kāi shuǐ
  • boiling water;boiled water
开水 [kāi shuǐ]
  • [boiled water] 煮沸的水

开水[kāi shuǐ]
  1. 将做熟的面食在开水里过一下。

    Rinse the cooked pasta with boiling water .

  2. 身边应多准备一些开水,以备不时之需。

    Extra boiling water should be kept at hand just in case it is needed .

  3. 把鹰嘴豆放在开水中煮,并加入大蒜和柠檬汁。

    Boil the chick peas , add garlic and lemon juice

  4. 生命离不开水。

    Water is a basic necessity of life .

  5. 她拧开水瓶盖,让他喝了一口。

    She unscrewed the cap of her water bottle and gave him a drink .

  6. 玛丽安娜放上水壶烧开水。

    Marianne put the kettle on to boil .

  7. 如果给婴儿喝果汁,要用凉开水充分稀释。

    If you give your baby juice , dilute it well with cooled , boiled water

  8. 他们说自己是死猪不怕开水烫,将会继续抗议直到政府否决该协议为止。

    They say they have nothing to lose and will continue protesting until the government vetos the agreement

  9. 把开水晾一晾再喝。

    Let the water cool before you drink it .

  10. 这里有开水,渴了请随便喝。

    Here 's some boiled water . Have a drink whenever you 're thirsty .

  11. 别让开水烫着。

    Don 't be scalded by boiling water .

  12. 开水使杯底绷裂了。

    Boiling water cracked a cup acrossthe bottom .

  13. 鱼儿离不开水。

    Fish can not live without water .

  14. 她用开水泡茶。

    She makes tea with boiling water .

  15. 开水太烫,拿两个杯子折一折就凉了。

    The water 's boiling hot . Pour it from one cup to another repeatedly to cool it .

  16. 壶里是开水。

    There 's boiled water in the pot .

  17. 别往那个杯子里倒开水,要不它就会破裂。

    Don 't pour hot water into the glass , or it will crack .

  18. 用开水把糖沏开。

    Dissolve the sugar in the hot water .

  19. 漂白是将食物放进开水里,通常非常快。

    To blanch involves plunging food into boiling water , usually very quickly .

  20. 开水将杀死大多数细菌,病毒,毒素等物质

    Boiling water will destroy most bacteria , virus , noxiousness and the like .

  21. 请给我们烧点开水!

    Boil some water for us , please !

  22. 洗必泰溶液4日、7日带菌率均小于凉开水1日带菌率,二者比较具有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    The bacteria-containing rate of hibitane solution at days 4 and 7 was lower than cool boiled water at day 1 ( P < 0.01 ) .

  23. 每次2袋(20g),每日3次,温开水送服。

    Bags each ( 20g ), 3 times a day , warm water .

  24. 蒙特利尔自助餐厅的一位顾客拧开盥洗室的龙头,结果被水烫伤了。“这太可恶了,”他抱怨道,“标着c的龙头流出的是开水。”

    A patron in Montreal Cafe turned on a tap in the washroom and got scalded . " this is an outrage ," he omplained . " the faucet marked C gave me boiling water . "

  25. 首先将脾虚组和健脾组裸鼠喂饲大黄芒硝合剂(按4∶1混合)5d以建立脾虚模型,健脾组给予参芪扶正注射液3d,其他组给予等量冷开水对照。

    The nude mice of SAS group and ST group were fed the rhubarb and mirabilite mixture to establish the spleen asthenia syndrome models .

  26. 碳酸饮料换成白开水,慢慢咀嚼,服用preandpro生物产品,这样就可以有效改善您的大肠菌群,从而减少腹内胀气。

    Swap fizzy drinks for still drinks , chew slowly and take pre and pro biotic supplements , which will increase your good gut bacteria and lessen the bloating .

  27. 加入500ml开水,焖5-6分钟。

    Add 500ml boiling water and cover for 5-6 minutes .

  28. C组含漱口洁灵溶液,B组与C组含漱均为3次/d、20ml/次、含漱3~5min,含漱时间为三餐后冷开水漱口后;

    Patients in group C were treated with kou-jie-ling gargle ( 20ml for 3 ~ 5 minutes , 3 times a day ) . Gargling started following gargling with cool boiled water after each meal in groups C and B patients .

  29. 结果表明,在单位时间内,前2组的尿量明显多于开水组,且膀胱充盈时间也明显少于开水组(均P0.01);

    The results showed that in the fixed time , urine volume in the bladder in Group A and Group B was much more than that in Group C , while time for the filling of bladder was less ( P 0.01 ) .

  30. 介绍了智能化全自动电开水器的功能以及基于EM78P458单片机控制系统的硬件、软件设计。

    The function of intelligent electric water heater and the design of hardware and software based on EM78P458 embedded microcontroller are introduced .