
  1. 应用三种大计算量问题,调查了Java作为高性能并行分布计算语言的可能性。Java将能够很好地成为科学和工程领域的主导语言。

    We examine the viability of Java as a high performance parallel distributed language with three computation intensive problems , and we conclude that Java could well become a dominant language in science and engineering .

  2. B模式成像作为超声成像仪器的基本成像模式,是很多成像模式的基础,如果能够缩短B模式的成像时间,那么可以为后续大计算量的功能模块提供更多的时间余量。

    B-mode imaging , as a basic imaging mode of an ultrasound diagnostic apparatus , is the base of many other imaging mode . If B-mode imaging time can be reduced , subsequent processing will have more time for the corresponding processing .

  3. 算法实现中采用了Matlab/C混合编程技术。Matlab以其优秀的数值计算和图形处理能力成为科研人员的重要工具,然而它在图像分割等大计算量任务上的应用受其计算速度制约。

    Algorithms using Matlab / C mixed programming technique , Matlab has become an important tool for researchers because of its easiness and graphics processing capability . However , calculation speed limits their application to large calculation such as image segmentation .

  4. 现代计算机和软件系统的发展,为这种大计算量的分析工作提供了可能。

    Modern calculating machine and developing of software system make the big computation possible .

  5. 批量异常数据的识别是数据处理中的大计算量问题。

    The recognition of massive outlier data is a problem with a large number of operations in data processing .

  6. 这主要是由于塑性成形数值模拟的高度非线性和大计算量特征,使得成形过程优化变得非常困难。

    Optimization of forming process is a very difficult problem due to high nonlinearity and huge computational cost of numerical simulations .

  7. 椭圆曲线公钥系统可以缓解传统公钥系统中大计算复杂度的瓶颈问题。

    Elliptic curve public key can be used to relax the bottleneck problem that is large computation in tradition public key system .

  8. 一步模拟忽略了变形的中间历史环节,以一个大计算步在成形过程中的初始和终了构形之间进行有限元求解。

    One-step simulation , which neglecting deformation history , is performed by FE calculation in one large step between the initial and final configurations of process .

  9. 生活中,实际工程中的优化问题存在着高维数、大计算量、多局部极优值等复杂特点。

    The optimization problems in real life and engineering have the complex features , such as high dimensions , huge calculations , multi optima and so on .

  10. 这个定理将大计算量的问题分解成许多小问题以达到简化的目的,把各个小问题的结果综合起来就可以得到原来问题的答案。

    It is used to simplifylarge calculations by breaking them down into many smaller ones , the results ofwhich can then be recombined to generate the answer to the original question .

  11. 该方法除了可以提供更加可靠的检测外,还可以使得估计的线性特征参数达到亚像素级精度,从而解决了由于精细离散化带来的大计算量的问题。

    Besides providing more reliable detection , the method enables to estimate the linear feature parameters up to sub-pixel level resolution , thus overcomes the computational problem of very fine discretization .

  12. 利用启发式函数选择适当的离开点进行扩展,并逐步完善拓扑图,避免了一次性构造整个环境拓扑图所带来的不必要的大计算量。

    According to the structured partial topology map of the environment and global information , heuristic function is used to select a leaving point for expanding , and update the structured topology map , till a traversable path between starting point and goal is found in the topology map .

  13. 元的平方(山/)成正比。电于耦合矩阵元越大,计算得到的ET速率也就越快。

    The larger the electronic coupling matrix element is , the faster the ET rate is .

  14. 修正MUSIC算法和空域滤波法相比,修正MUSIC算法计算量小,而空间滤波法去相关能力较强,但需要更大的计算量,并且需要先进行预估计。

    Modified MUSIC algorithm has less compute and spatial filtering has stronger power of decorrelation coherent but need more compute and preliminary estimation , when Modified MUSIC algorithm is compared with spatial filtering algorithm .

  15. 而NCC算法弥补了SSDA算法的不足,但是匹配计算量太大,计算速度慢。

    But the matching calculation is too big and the speed is too slow .

  16. SD法是一种全新的储量计算和审定方法,是我国使用的三大储量计算方法(传统法、克里格法和SD法)之一。

    SD method , one of three reserves calculation methods like geometry , Krige and SD methods in China , is a new mineral resources reserves calculation and examination method .

  17. Condor系统在大吞吐量计算中的应用

    Application of High Throughput Computing Based on Condor System

  18. FDTD通过时域近远场变换算法来计算天线远场辐射特性,但数据存储量大,计算速度较慢。

    The radiation field characteristics of antenna can be computed by using near-field to far-field transformation in FDTD with huge amount of memory occupation and low speed .

  19. 在此基础上提出了按RCS计算角度间隔分配计算任务的大粒度计算并行计算方法。

    A big cell parallel calculating method is proposed , by which the calculation tasks are distributed to the processes , evenly spaced , according to RCS calculating angles .

  20. 传统hough变换具有内存占用量大,计算效率低等缺陷,不利于复杂道路的高效提取。

    Traditional hough transform has many defects , such as large memory usage , low computational efficiency and so on , It is not conducive to efficient extraction of complex road .

  21. 计算流体力学(CFD)是一门在研究生产中广泛应用的学科,CFD在求解复杂或精度要求较高的问题时存在计算量大、计算时间长的特点。

    Computational Fluid Dynamics ( CFD ) is a subject extensively used in many research and industry area . It demands amount of calculation and takes long time in solving complex CFD problem with high precision requirement .

  22. 基于D-S证据理论,采用手工方式融合多源信息,具有劳动强度大、计算结果出错概率高等问题。

    By means of manual labour , multi-source information is fused on D-S evidence theory , which brings some problems such as high labour intensity , wrong-probability of computing result and so on .

  23. 此外,论文还针对Jacobi矩阵计算量大,计算速度慢的问题,提出一种快速微分算法,使该矩阵的计算速度得到极大提高,并用虚激励矩阵拓展了该算法的适用范围;

    Moreover , a fast algorithm of Jacobi matrix , based on differential principle , is been proposed to improve computational speed and precision of the matrix , which is significative to utilize EIT technique .

  24. 根据线阵CCD精密测量系统数据传输、存储量大,计算复杂,运动控制实时性强的特点,介绍了一种用单片机完成前端实时控制,台式计算机作后台数据处理计算机的主从式控制模式。

    According to characteristics of the precision measure systems based on linear array CCD that mass of data access , complex calculation and strong real-time motion control . a kind of master-slave control mode with real-time control by SCM , and using table-computer for background data processing is proposed .

  25. 由于传统提取方法如复倒谱法、无偏自相关估计、AR功率谱法等或者要求雷达有较高重复频率或者存在提取误差大、计算量大等缺点。

    There are some disadvantages in conventional extract methods , such as differential cepstrum analysis , estimate of unbiased autocorrelation , AR power spectrum and so on . Some need high radar repeat frequency , some have biggish error and some have to do a mass of computation .

  26. 介绍了利用ExcelXP的模拟运算对房地产投资方案进行单因素、双因素敏感性分析的方法,解决了敏感性分析手工操作运算量大、计算周期长、容易出错等问题。

    This paper introduces how to make use of the emulation operation of Excel xp to analyze sensitivity of real estate investment . This method resolves such problems as following : the handicraft operation of sensitivity analysis has great capacity , long period of calculation and so on .

  27. 时域有限差分(FDTD)法中的时域近远场变换法计算天线远场辐射特性的优点是通过一次计算可以得到全频域的结果,缺点是数据存储量大、计算速度慢。

    The advantage of applying FDTD to calculate the far field using near-field to far-field transformation is that only one calculation is needed to obtain the fields in whole frequency band , but the disadvantage is huge mount of memory occupation and thus resulting in low speed of calculation .

  28. 结果表明:①不同土壤层各级压力下土壤含水量变异系数(Cv)呈中等变异性,Cv为10%-25%,土壤有效饱和度越低,变异性Cv越大,计算合理取样数目越大。

    The results show that : ① The soil water retention at each pressure head for three soil layers has presented moderate variability with C_v ranging from 10 % to 25 % . With the decrease of soil saturation , both C_v and the calculated reasonable sampling number were increased .

  29. 由于在基于Voxel模型的数控加工仿真过程中,数据量大,计算量大,显示速度慢,尚未达到实时显示,为此我们引入了并行处理技术。

    Because of the tremendous amount of data and the large scale of calculation during the voxel based NC simulation process , it causes the low display velocity and poor real-time efficiency . In order to improve these impressions , we introduce the parallel processing .

  30. 薄板与圆柱薄壳大挠度计算的混合法

    A Mixed Method of Computation for Large Circular Cylindrical Shells