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  • great victory
大捷 [dà jié]
  • [great victory] 意义重大或战果很大的胜利

大捷[dà jié]
  1. HandsFree不需要消费者拥有AndroidPay,其功能独立于AndroidPay之外,但是,谷歌可能希望这种无缝体验将帮助此服务出师大捷,并能够推广到更到多的零售商。

    Although Hands Free doesn 't require that users have Android Pay - the app works for iOS , too - Google 's likely hoping that this seamless experience will help the service take off and spread to more retailers .

  2. 此次大捷帮助林肯在秋季大选中稳操胜券

    His victory helps secure Lincoln 's election in the fall .

  3. 我们在史特灵一战大捷,而你们仍在发谬论。

    We won at Stirling ... and still you quibble !

  4. 让我唱一首令尊在君临大捷的歌吧!

    I can sing of your father 's victory at King 's Landing !

  5. 但如果他获胜,那么将是一场大捷。

    But if he wins this game , it will be an enormous victory .

  6. 让我为您唱一首歌颂令尊大人君临大捷的歌罢!

    Let me sing you the lay of your father 's great victory at King 's Landing !

  7. 韩国队出师大捷,打败了动作迟缓的波兰队,取得历史性胜利,紧接着便与美国队狭路相逢。

    The squad began with a historic triumph over sluggish Poland , then found itself face to face with the US .

  8. 法拉利赢得匈牙利大捷的部分原因是用了新的普利斯通轮胎(上个月在西班牙测试的)。

    Part of the reason for Ferrari 's crushing Hungarian victory was a new-specification Bridgestone tire first tested at Jerez last month .

  9. 依世俗之见,他从没赢得过一场大捷,因此他一定是个蹩脚的将领。

    It is commonly believed that because he never won a major battle against Hannibal , he must be a bad General .

  10. “对我们来说客场4-1大捷是很好的结果,我对此感到高兴,”他告诉曼联电视。

    " It 's a great result for us , 4-1 away from home , I was very pleased with that ," he told MUTV .

  11. 在日军叫停围歼前已有超过1万人员伤亡。这场战役是日本侵略朝鲜的战争中,朝鲜的首次大捷。

    More than 10000 Japanese died before they called off the siege , signaling one of the first major Korean victories in the Japanese invasion .

  12. 然而,在入侵伊拉克和“巴格达大捷”一年多之后,这些妄图以帝国主义者坐大的计划并没有得到兑现。

    Now , however , over a year after the invasion of Iraq and the " victory of Baghdad ," the plans of these would-be imperialist are not working out so well .

  13. 并在此后的十余年里,纵横驰骋、战功卓绝,留下了诸如特拉西美诺湖战役、坎尼大捷等传世的经典战例。

    In the next ten years , he had brilliant achievements in war and left behind a classic examples handed down , such as the Tracy Miele Lake battle and the Cannae victory .

  14. 他在取得宁江大捷和出河店之战胜利后,于辽天庆五年(1115)称帝建国,国号大金,年号收国。

    After his victories in Ningjiang and Chuhedian , Aguda assumed the imperial title in the 5th year of Tianqing ( 1115 ) . He named his regime the Great Jin and used Shouguo as his reign title .