- great victory

[great victory] 意义重大或战果很大的胜利
Although Hands Free doesn 't require that users have Android Pay - the app works for iOS , too - Google 's likely hoping that this seamless experience will help the service take off and spread to more retailers .
His victory helps secure Lincoln 's election in the fall .
We won at Stirling ... and still you quibble !
I can sing of your father 's victory at King 's Landing !
But if he wins this game , it will be an enormous victory .
Let me sing you the lay of your father 's great victory at King 's Landing !
The squad began with a historic triumph over sluggish Poland , then found itself face to face with the US .
Part of the reason for Ferrari 's crushing Hungarian victory was a new-specification Bridgestone tire first tested at Jerez last month .
It is commonly believed that because he never won a major battle against Hannibal , he must be a bad General .
" It 's a great result for us , 4-1 away from home , I was very pleased with that ," he told MUTV .
More than 10000 Japanese died before they called off the siege , signaling one of the first major Korean victories in the Japanese invasion .
Now , however , over a year after the invasion of Iraq and the " victory of Baghdad ," the plans of these would-be imperialist are not working out so well .
In the next ten years , he had brilliant achievements in war and left behind a classic examples handed down , such as the Tracy Miele Lake battle and the Cannae victory .
After his victories in Ningjiang and Chuhedian , Aguda assumed the imperial title in the 5th year of Tianqing ( 1115 ) . He named his regime the Great Jin and used Shouguo as his reign title .