
  1. 中国铁路当局已经在测试位于东北部的高速铁路线,这是世界上第一条高寒地区高速铁路线。

    Chinese rail authorities have been testing the world 's first alpine high-speed rail line in the northeast .

  2. 黄土地区高速铁路线下工程沉降监测及变形预测研究

    The Settlement Monitoring and the Deformation Prediction on the under Line Project of the Loess Area High-speed Railroad

  3. 他此行有一项关键使命:亲自视察京津高速铁路线。

    He was there on a critical mission : inspecting the high-speed railway line that links Beijing and Tianjin .

  4. 为高速铁路线下工程沉降监测方法的改善提供依据,为兰新及后续客运专线安全运营提供服务。

    This article provides basis for the improvement of under-rail settlement monitoring method in high-speed railway and services for safety operation in the Lanzhou-Xinjiang passenger dedicated line .

  5. 除了上述两个铁路项目以外,中日两国都表达出对建设其他铁路线的兴趣,包括客运高速铁路线。

    In addition to these two rail projects , China and Japan have each also expressed interest in developing additional train lines , including high-speed passenger railways .

  6. 一个月前该银行曾表示,将对一家建设京沪高速铁路线的国有公司投资近9亿美元。

    The announcement came one month after the bank said it would invest nearly $ 900m in a state company that is building the high-speed rail line between Shanghai and Beijing .

  7. 虽然中国拥有世界上最长的高速铁路线,也拥有高速增长的铁路网络和航班线路,但对大多数人来说春节买票回家仍然是一件很头痛的事。

    Even though the country boasts the world 's longest high-speed railways , a rapidly expanding highway network and growing numbers of flights , finding a ticket home is still a huge endeavor for many .

  8. 一条计划修建的高速铁路线,将让人们在一个小时内就能飞快地越过边境,这说明,一度让香港与众不同的差异现在远没有那么显著了。

    A planned high-speed rail link that will whistle people across the border in under an hour bears testament to the fact that the differences that once set Hong Kong apart are now much less marked .

  9. 城市是一个枢纽的公路,铁路和航空(其包括伦敦希思罗机场和盖特威克),现在是与欧洲大陆的高速铁路线下的英吉利海峡。

    The city is a hub for road , rail , and air ( its airports include Heathrow and Gatwick ), and it is now linked to the Continent by a high-speed rail line under the English Channel .

  10. 奥斯蒂说欧洲国家都在投资建设高速铁路线,因为“这是他们想让民众出行的方法”,另外“投资铁路业比投资更多的公路要好”。

    Austi says European countries are investing in putting in high-speed railway lines because it 's " how they want their people to travel " and " it 's better to invest in the rail networks than more roads " .

  11. 本文根据高速铁路线下工程的特点和存在的实际问题,就抗差卡尔曼滤波在高速铁路沉降变形监控中的应用进行研究,并结合某高速铁路的监控数据进行分析研究。

    In this thesis , Base on the high speed-railway underline engineerings construction characteristics and it exists problems , studying the application of Robust Kalman Filtering in the high-speed railway settlement deformation monitoring , and researching and analysising in conjunction with a high-speed railway monitoring data .

  12. 此外,中国中部湖北省襄阳市委书记王君正也证实了襄阳至桂林高速铁路线已被列入国家十三五规划,并将在未来5年内开建。

    Furthermore , Wang Junzheng , the secretary of Xiangyang Municipal Committee , central China 's Hubei province , also confirmed that the Xiangyang-Guilin high-speed rail line has been listed into the national 13th Five-year Plan , and will start construction over the next five years .

  13. 高速铁路接触线用时效强化铜合金的发展

    Development of Aging-Strengthening Copper Alloy Used in Contact Wire of High-Speed Railway

  14. 高速铁路选线设计技术若干问题探讨

    Some Discussion About Location Design Technology of High-Speed Railway

  15. 高速铁路对线下基础的沉降特性及承载力要求很高,桩基础沉降比较小,而且较为均匀,因而被广泛采用。

    Piles are widely apply to high-speed railway foundation construction , which requires high standards of bearing capacity and settlement , owing to their high bearing capacity , small and uniform settlement .

  16. 目前山区高速铁路选线具体操作停留在工程经验的层面,对于线路方案的决策过程中不断涌现的矛盾问题,缺乏科学的解决手段。

    The mountain route selection of high speed railway concrete operations remain in the project experience level , for the route scheme of the decision making process in the emerging problems , lack of scientific means of settlement .

  17. 探讨了高速铁路接触线用高性能铜合金棒材的制备方法,分析指出连铸连轧是高性能接触线生产的有效方法。

    The fabricating processing of high property copper alloy used in contact wire of high-speed electrified railway are discussed , and it is pointed out that the skill or operation of the continuous casting and rolling is an effective methods to high property contact wire .

  18. 分析总结了国外高速铁路选线设计方面的经验与教训,以指导我国高速铁路选线设计中线路平面、纵断面设计有关标准的确定。

    The research findings are briefed as follows : 1 . Analyzing and summarizing the experiences and lessons of abroad location design of high-speed railways to guide the preparation of relevant standards for the horizontal and longitudinal alignment design of high-speed railway location design in our country .

  19. 结合数值预测及监测数据的分析,并参照案例工程的管理过程,初步研究了盾构下穿高速铁路高架线的管理流程,为以后出现的类似工程提供管理经验。

    Combined with the numerical prediction and analysis of monitoring data , as while as the management process of the case , a preliminary study of management processes of shield tunnel crossing the high-speed rail has been presented , which can provide management experience in similar projects afterward .

  20. 高速铁路区间渡线的设置受诸多因素的影响。

    Setting section crossover in high-speed railway is subject to many factors .

  21. 根据分析结果,给出了相关的建议,为高速铁路动力学选线设计提供一定的理论基础与参考建议。

    According to the results of the analysis , some proposals are given for the high-speed railway of dynamic location design , which can provide certain theoretical basis and reference .

  22. 结果表明此方法对西南山区高速铁路绿色选线方案的评价和优选有一定的指导意义,在生产实践中有一定的实用价值。

    The results show that this method has definite reference value in evaluation and optimization of high speed green railway route selections as well as production practice in southwest mountainous areas .

  23. 最后,选用成绵乐客运专线(江油至绵阳段)为例,对改进的密切值法在西南山区高速铁路绿色选线方案评价和优选的应用研究中进行实例分析。

    At last , the application of route schemes evaluation and optimization using improved osculating value method is discussed and a case study of Cheng-Mian-Le Passenger dedicated line ( Jiang you to Mian yang ) is also introduced .

  24. 上世纪70年代以德国和日本为首的西方国家开始大力发展磁悬浮列车技术,并修建了试验线,我国也在2003年1月建成世界上第一条高速磁浮铁路商业运营线。

    The developed countries headed by Germany and Japan began to develop maglev-train technology in a more cost-effective manner in the seventies of last century and built test lines . Our country built and operated the first high-speed commerce magnetic railway in the world in January of 2003 , too .

  25. 公路:沪闵路高架,沪杭甬高速,沪宁高速,铁路沪杭线可达

    By Highways : Humin Road Elevated Road , Huhangyong Expressway , Huning Expressway and Huhang Railway

  26. 因其独特的地理、人文、经济环境特征,西南山区高速铁路线路方案的绿色度得到了普遍重视,因此西南山区高速铁路的绿色选线工作也面临着繁重任务和巨大的考验。

    Due to the unique features of geography , culture and economic environment in southwest mountainous areas , the green degree of permanent way is received high attention , therefore , green railway alignment selection confront heavy tasks and a huge challenge .

  27. 随着城市间的高速铁路工程和市区地铁网络的迅速发展,新建地铁盾构下穿既有高速铁路高架线的情况越来越多。

    With the rapid development of high-speed rail project between the city and the urban subway network , new built tunnels crossing the existing elevated lines of high-speed rail are on the increase .

  28. 在分析国内外高速电气化铁路接触网用接触导线的使用现状及发展趋势的基础上,建议我国应尽快研制困产铜合金接触线,以加速高速铁路接触线国产化的进程。

    It is advised to develop domestic copper alloy contact wire as soon as possible to accelerate the localization processs of contact wire used in the high-speed electrified railway on the base of analysing the domestic and overseas research and product of contact wires .