
  • 网络freight logistics
  1. 基于SOA的现代铁路货运物流信息平台研究

    Research on Modern Railway Freight Logistics Information Platform Based on SOA

  2. 同时,长三角区域两大货运物流体系具有体系强化与融合并存的特点。

    At the same time , the double freight logistics system in Yangtze Delta region shows its characteristics of both system strengthening and the coexistence and integration .

  3. 货运物流配送中的运输车辆路线安排问题(VRP)是一个典型的NP难问题。

    Vehicle routing problem is a typical NP-hard problem .

  4. 机场货运物流业务服务管理系统的研究

    Study of Business Service Management System for the Airport Cargo

  5. 值得关注的是,中国铁路的发展要走四化之路,即客运公交化、货运物流化、服务专业化、经营公司化,使铁路公司能够按照现代企业制度进行公司化运营和市场化融资。

    Railway companies shall operate incorporation and finance market-oriented according to modern enterprise system .

  6. 网络侦察中的入侵检测系统刍议我国航空货运物流发展

    The IDS in Network Reconnaissance Study on the Development of Avigation Cargo Logistics of China

  7. 在车站码头货运物流基地的建设,可有效地开启的时间和地点。

    Building logistics bases at station freight terminal would be effective in tenors of location and time .

  8. 程致宇认为,将资金用于改善中国糟糕的货运物流网络将会是更好的选择。

    Improving China 's languishing logistics network for freight would be a better use of the cash , Mr Chovanec posits .

  9. 刍议我国航空货运物流发展航空货运出站物流派送的建模与优化研究

    Study on the Development of Avigation Cargo Logistics of China Modeling and Optimization on the Delivery Strategies for Outbound Air Cargo Logistics

  10. 优化整合促进航空货运物流发展本文对我国航空货运物流的发展机遇和面临的挑战,做了详细的分析,并对如何加强我国航空货运物流的发展,提出了一些构想。

    This paper puts forward some countermeasures to reinforce the development of avigation logistics , with detailed analysis of this chances and challenges .

  11. 运用运输及物流的相关理论知识,分析了货运物流化的内涵,总结了航空货运与物流发展的运作模式,并针对其形成演化过程及在我国的发展设想进行了探讨和分析。

    The paper analyzes the connotation of freight and logistics , summarizes the operation modes of aviation freight and logistics and discusses their evolution and development in China .

  12. 运输与物流关系紧密,论文研究的目的是顺应货运物流化发展趋势,为促进我国航空物流体系的形成与发展提供系统的理论、方法。

    Transportation and logistics are closely related . The motivation of this paper is to provide systemic theory and methods to promote the formation and development of China 's air logistics system , complied with the trend of cargo logistics .

  13. 基于现代物流发展环境、道路货运物流化趋势等方面的分析,探讨道路货运系统与现代物流的关系,从而明确了现代物流的发展对道路货运场站系统规划的影响。

    Based on the analyses in modern logistics development environment and path freight transportation tendency logistics industry , discuss the path freight transportation system and the modern physical distribution relations , thus has been clear about the influence of modern logistics development to the path freight transportation airfield system plan .

  14. 基于Web的公路快速货运系统物流信息平台研究

    Research on Web-based Logistics Information Window of Highway Express Freight Transportation System

  15. 中国航空货运企业物流发展战略

    Strategy of air logistics development for China air transportation enterprise

  16. 长春远达货运站物流经营战略研究

    Research on Logistics Management Strategy of Changchun Yuanda Freight Terminal

  17. 铁路货运站物流信息平台建设的研究

    Research on the Construction of Logistics Information Platform for Railway Freight-Transport Stations

  18. 航空货运与物流发展运作模式探讨

    Discussion on Operation Modes of Aviation Freight and Logistics

  19. 铁路货运经营物流的思考

    Pondering over the Logistics of Railway Freight Transportation

  20. 世界航空货运和物流业

    World Air Cargo and Logistics Industry

  21. 世界航空货运和物流业刍议我国航空货运物流发展

    World Air Cargo and Logistics Industry Study on the Development of Avigation Cargo Logistics of China

  22. 电子商务系统能够使我们更好的为目前及将来的客户提供全方位的货运及物流服务。

    Electronic commerce system helps us to provide better services for our customers both now and in future .

  23. 为此,铁路运输企业必须进行深层次的改革,促使铁路货运向物流业转变和发展。

    As a result , the railway transport enterprises must carry out deep reforms , to promote rail freight to change and development towards logistics industry .

  24. 全球领先的货运及物流服务供应商之一泛亚班拿集团宣称因存在潜在不适当报酬问题而将暂停尼日利亚航线。

    PANALPINA , one of the world 's leading suppliers of forwarding and logistic services , announced that it has suspended service offering in Nigeria due to potentially improper payments .

  25. 分析铁路货运站物流服务的现状,将供应链管理理论引入货运站物流管理,指出铁路货运站在供应链下开展物流服务的必然性。

    Current circumstance is analyzed on railway freight service . Introduced supply chain management theory , the inevitability of developing modern logistics service is pointed out for railway freight station in supply chain .

  26. 分析货运站物流系统的信息,提出物流信息系统设计和面向供应链的物流信息平台建设的基本构想并用案例说明。

    Information is analyzed in the logistics system of freight station . The idea is brought forward about logistics information system design , the logistics information platform faced to supply chain and then illustrated on a case .

  27. 本文在对专用线及铁路物流发展现状和存在的问题充分分析的基础上,提出将专用线纳入铁路货运企业物流管理系统,以拓展铁路物流内涵,提高核心竞争力。

    Based on the analysis of the present developing conditions and existent problems of appropriation line and railway logistics , this paper puts forward bringing the appropriation line into the logistics management system of railroad freight transportation enterprise to expand railway logistics content and to increase core competencies .

  28. 基于UML的公路货运站场物流信息系统规划研究

    Study on Logistics Information System Programming of Road Freight Term Based on UML

  29. 宏观上对通化车站货运发展现代物流进行了内外部环境分析和发展现代物流优势、劣势、机遇与威胁的SWOT分析。

    Tonghua station on a macroscopic level the development of modern logistics freight carried out internal and external environmental analysis and development of modern logistics strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats of the SWOT analysis .

  30. 1999年下半年四川中远国际货运有限公司物流中心(COSCOLOGISTICS以下简称‘中远物流’)成立,作为整个中远物流体系的末端,定位于为中小企业提供专业第三方物流服务。

    In the second half of 1999 , China Ocean Sichuan Corporation ( COSCO LOGISTICS in brief ) was founded . As the terminal of the whole " China Ocean " logistics system , it focuses on providing professional third party service for small and medium-sized enterprises .