
  1. 从再保险条约看德意志帝国时代的德俄关系

    Reinsurance Treaty : A Mirror Reflected the German-Russian Relations in the Age of the German Empire

  2. 但是这种占有德俄暧昧,跟他所知道的占有完全是两回事。

    But this possession of her was dim and nebulous and totally different from possession as he had known it .

  3. 他说,德俄关系的战后时期已经过去,俄罗斯和德国将永远也不会再交战。

    He said that " the period of German-Russian post-war relations has already passed ", and that " Russia and Germany will never go to war again " .

  4. 根据德俄两国的协议,本月底是俄军全部撤离德国的最后期限。

    According to the agreement by the two countries , Germany and russia , the end of this month is the deadline for completely withdrawing Russian troops from germany .

  5. 本文主要着眼于危机期间欧洲各大国尤其是德俄间展开的激烈外交角逐,以德俄再保险条约的签订为主线,来探究19世纪晚期德俄关系的总体特点。

    This article mainly deals with the aboil diplomatic struggles among the European powers during Bulgarian crisis , especially Germany and Russia , the Russo-German Reinsurance Treaty as the core , probing into the characteristics of the German-Russian relations in the late 19 ~ ( th ) century .

  6. 德、俄在这一地区的利益冲突有密切关系。

    The conflict of interest between Germany and Russia is closely related .

  7. 德、俄将加强反核走私行动。

    Germany , Russia will strengthen anti-nuclear smuggling activities .

  8. 它推动了英、法、美、德、俄、日等资本主义民族国家的崛起,并促成了苏联、中国等社会主义国家早期发展的成就。

    It also gave impetus to the overall development of capitalist national countries , such as UK , France , USA , Germany , Russia and Japan .

  9. 从英、德、俄、澳四国职教改革看我国职教发展

    Vocational Education Analysis and Reference of England America , Australia and Germany Research on the Development of the Vocational Education in China from the Reform of Britain , German , Russia and Australia

  10. 通过历史中英、法、德、俄、日和美等国发展历程的分析,发现是否选择均势的国际战略是历史上列强成败的关键。

    Historical analysis of the development of Britain , France , Germany , Russia , Japan and the US shows that choosing or not almost determines the success or failure of a power .

  11. 这些历史学家研究的英、德、俄和美国的物理学家有什麽不同,在每种情况下又是如何影响到他们所做的?

    What are some differences between the cases of British , German , Russian , and American physicists that these historians have studied , and how has this affected the physics done in each case ?

  12. 而四十年代,以马克思经济学为指导的苏联社会主义经济学成为这一时期的翻译主题。并且,中国开始直接从德、俄原著中吸取养分,日语原著的翻译开始逐渐衰退。

    In the 1940s , soviet socialistic economics instructed by Marxian economics became the theme of translation , and Chinese people began to directly absorb nutrition from German and Russian originals , and translations from Japanese originals declined .

  13. 该系统是一个能够适用于中、英、法、德日、俄等多种文字文献,具有数据库管理、检索和计算机编辑排版等多种功能的集成系统。

    It is a multilingual integrated system , combining database creation and management , automatic typesetting and information retrieval in a single user-friendly package .

  14. 美、德、法、俄、波冷等静压各向同性石墨的发展

    Development of homogeneous graphite by cold isostatic pressing in America 、 Germany 、 France 、 Russia and Poland

  15. 1913年,袁世凯北京政府与英、法、德、日、俄五国银行团签订的善后大借款,总数为2500万英镑。

    In 1913 , Yuan Shikai Administration signed a loan contract totalling 25 million pound with British , France , Germany , Japan and Russia banking consortium .

  16. 从19世纪30年代开始,中外译者就用包括英、法、德、日、俄等在内的多国语言以节译、缩译或全译的形式将其译出。

    The book has been translated into dozens of languages including English , French , German , Japanese , Russian , etc. either in abridged versions or complete ones .

  17. 20世纪以来,我国学校音乐教育在以德、美、俄为师的发展过程中,逐渐远离和淡忘了中国民族传统音乐文化,形成了以西方音乐文化为中心的学校音乐教育体制。

    In the process of learning from Germany , America and Russian since the 20th century , our music education has been gradually away from our traditional music culture and has formed the system of school music education centered on western music culture .

  18. 语用学转向有其深厚的哲学思想渊源,经历传统和现代的发展,形成了英美语言哲学,以德、法、俄等国组成的欧洲大陆语言哲学,以及中国语言哲学的语用学转向思想。

    Deeply rooted philosophically , the so-called pragmatic turn , through its traditional and modern development , has evolved into the pragmatic thought in the Anglo-American linguistic philosophy , that of the European continental countries like France , German , and the Chinese linguistic philosophy .