
  • 网络German Wings
  1. 24日,德国之翼航空公司一架载有150人的空客A320飞机在法国阿尔卑斯山区坠毁。

    A Germanwings Airbus A320 crashed Tuesday morning in the French Alps , with approximately 150 people on board .

  2. 德国之翼航空公司的悲剧远未落幕,各方确定事故原因或许仍需相当长的时间。

    The Germanwings tragedy is still unfolding , and it 's possible that a considerable amount of time may pass before investigators can determine the probable cause of the crash .

  3. 公司官网称:“对于这起坠机事件,德国之翼和汉莎航空的每个人都感到深深的震惊和悲哀。我们将与机上乘客和机组人员的家人和朋友一起哀悼和祈祷。”

    The company said on its website , " Everyone at Germanwings and Lufthansa is deeply shocked and saddened by these events . Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the passengers and the crew members . "