
  • 网络Niger River Basin
  1. 尼日尔河流域委员会

    Niger River Basin Committee

  2. 尼日尔河流域管理局理事会尼罗河流域常设联合技术委员会

    Council of the Niger Basin Authority Permanent Joint Technical Commission for Nile Waters

  3. 关于尼日尔河流域国家航行和经济合作条约

    Act regarding Navigation and Economic cooperation between the States of the Niger Basin

  4. 全国的感染总量估值掩盖了重要的地方变量,例如,尼日尔大多数的埃及血吸虫感染发生在尼日尔河流域。

    National aggregate estimates of infection mask important local variations : e.g.most S.haematobium infections in the Niger occur in the Niger River valley .