
  • 网络space rocket
  1. 只是些草稿,我想大概是在画太空火箭之类的吧。

    Just some drawings . of , I think , a space rocket .

  2. 然后到了第二个电梯上,那快的就象一个太空火箭。

    And then on the second elevator that 's as fast as a space rocket .

  3. 旧的太空火箭或卫星碎片等物体以非常快的速度绕着地球运动,即使是很小的碎片也可能破坏重要的卫星或对宇航员造成危险。

    Objects , like bits of old space rockets or satellites , move around the planet at very high speeds fast that even a very small piece can break important satellites or become dangerous to astronauts .

  4. 南韩以技术问题为由推迟了首枚太空火箭发射。

    South Korea has postponed the launch of its first space-bound rocket , citing technical problems .

  5. 那么,这东东到底是什么?和太空火箭有关?

    Jack : So ? What kind of weapon is it ? Something to do with space rockets ?

  6. 韩国计划发射其首枚太空火箭前几分钟,工程人员决定推迟发射。

    With just minutes to go before liftoff , South Korean engineers postponed the launch of the country 's first space-bound rocket .

  7. 二十世纪五六十年代,当早期的意在探索冒险的太空火箭升空时,太空遨游的幻想就更热切了。

    The vision being sold in the 1950s and 1960s , when the early space rockets were flying , was of adventure and exploration .

  8. 将把货物和人员送入轨道的太空运载火箭。

    Space launches which would convey cargo and personnel into orbit .

  9. 比如说,在发展探索外太空的火箭方面;

    For example , in the development of the thrust of your rockets for the investigation of outer space ;

  10. 这看起来很奇怪的鸟在这里看到的是美属维尔京母舰夏娃,这架飞机将携带一进入轨道的旅客空中发射维珍银河的太空船火箭升空。

    The odd-looking bird seen here is the Virgin Mothership Eve , the aircraft that will carry Virgin Galactic 's SpaceShipTwo rocket aloft for a midair launch of tourists into orbit .

  11. 我们感受到了土星C-1助推火箭试验产生的震动和冲击波,它比把约翰·格伦送入太空的大力神火箭还要强大好几倍,产生了相当于1万辆汽车的功率。

    We have felt the ground shake and the air shattered by the testing of a Saturn C-1 booster rocket , many times as powerful as the Atlas which launched John Glenn , generating power equivalent to 10000 automobiles with their accelerators on the floor .

  12. 俄罗斯在哈萨克斯坦拜科努尔太空中心用火箭发射的三颗卫星未能进入预定轨道。

    Three Russian satellites have failed to enter orbit after they were launched on a rocket from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan .

  13. 最佳发射时机:一段短暂、特定的时间,必须在此期间内发射太空飞船或火箭,以便完成期望的使命或达到期望的效果。

    A brief , specific period of time during which a spacecraft or projectile must be launched so that a desired mission or effect can be achieved .

  14. 但是也许明年1月这种情况会有所改变,一家名为SpaceX的空间探索科技公司计划将火箭发射到太空,而后使火箭第一级进行精准着陆。

    But that might change as soon as January of next year , when Space Exploration Technologies , also known as SpaceX , plans to launch a rocket into space , then bring the rocket 's first stage back for a precision landing .

  15. 宇宙航行员勘探月球以后,他们会在太空船里引发火箭,回到地球。

    After the crew explored the moon , they would blast off in their spaceship and head back to earth .

  16. 月球上的原始物质也能够被转化成水、氧气、建材和人类太空探索需要的火箭燃料。

    The moon 's raw material could also be turned into the water , oxygen , building materials and rocket fuel needed for human exploration .

  17. 他通过计算得出,宇航员乘坐带有窗户的太空舱,搭载火箭至太空并逗留不超过五分钟,即可安全地返回地面。

    He calculated that a single man could be placed in a windowed capsule , blasted into space for up to five minutes , and then returned to Earth safely .

  18. 本次(“白骑士2号”)的公开亮相成为自2004年鲁丹设计的“太空一号”成为第一艘进入太空的私营载人火箭之后(在太空旅游领域)取得的又一次具体进展。

    The public showing was the first concrete evidence of progress since the Rutan-designed SpaceShipOne became the first private , manned rocket to reach space in2004 .

  19. 太空旅行将会便宜得多。1993年美国研制了一种新型的没有机翼的太空火箭。

    Space travel will become much cheaper.in1993a new space rocket with no wings was developed in the USA.