
  • 网络religious art
  1. 浅谈宗教艺术论宗教的道德价值

    Discusses the religious art shallowly On the Moral Value of Religion

  2. 宗教艺术与民间美术有着密切的联系。

    So religious art and folk art are closely tied together .

  3. 他们只把我绑了起来,可钉子和鲜血使的宗教艺术更为迷人。

    They tied me but nails and blood make better religious Art .

  4. 佛教艺术也像其它宗教艺术一样,是以神为本的。

    Like other forms of art , the Buddhist art is also god-based .

  5. 拉卜楞寺院装饰艺术就其本质,还是一种宗教艺术。

    Monastery House decorative arts on the nature of art or a religion .

  6. 圣像破坏运动给宗教艺术带来巨大损失的同时,为世俗内容的镶嵌画提供了发展机会。

    The Iconoclast Crisis provide opportunities for the development of the secular arts .

  7. 而钉子和鲜血更彰显宗教艺术

    But nails and blood make better religious art .

  8. 宗教艺术常以他为题材。

    He is a favourite subject of sacred art .

  9. 论构建宗教艺术学的学科基础

    Constructing the Academic Basis of Religious Art

  10. 相对于社会分化以后出现的宫廷艺术、宗教艺术和文人艺术而言,民间艺术的历史渊源更为久远,对人类生活的涵盖面更广。

    It has a longer history than the court art , religious art and scholastic art .

  11. 宗教艺术与民间美术

    Religious art and folk art

  12. 因此正如我说过,宗教艺术中,你知道,上帝是不富有魅力的。

    So as I say , in religious art , you know , God is not glamorous .

  13. 在藏密艺术中,坛城被视为是最神圣、最奥秘、最有特色的代表性宗教艺术。

    Tancheng is still regarded as the most sacred , mysterious and representative religious art with peculiar characteristics .

  14. 大量舞蹈岩画表明,萨满乐舞是产生于氏族部落社会母系制时代的一种古老宗教艺术,至史官文化中期,该乐舞的结构、形式及表演程序等已得到规范,并固定下来。

    Many stone pictures indicates that Shaman musical dances were ancient religious arts , which originated in matrilineal society .

  15. 佛教绘画及法舞、法乐是以艺术形象和艺术手段为其信仰服务的宗教艺术。

    Buddhism paintings , religious dance and music are religious arts serving the belief in artistic form and means .

  16. 在欧洲,数百年中,宗教艺术几乎是唯一存在的艺术形式。

    For hundreds of years in Europe , religious art was almost the only type of art that existed .

  17. 欧洲的几百年里,宗教艺术几乎成了唯一存在的艺术形式。

    For hundreds of years in Europe , religious art had been almost the only type of art that existed .

  18. 此后的几年里,他更加专心致志于宗教艺术,装饰教堂,为一般教堂和大教堂创制有色玻璃窗。

    In later years concentrated more on religious art , decorating churches , creating stained glass windows for churches and cathedrals .

  19. 由于银行家们为他们的罪所担心,资助宗教艺术最开始是作为一种赎罪形式开展的,就好像是一种精神洗钱一样。

    As bankers fretted for their souls , funding religious art began as a form of penance , like spiritual money-laundering .

  20. 宗教艺术在一定程度上反映了生活,它们是按照不同时代、不同地区、不同民族的风俗习惯、审美特征而发展变化的。

    Religious art reflects real life to the extent that it varies with times , areas , ethnic habits and aesthetic tastes .

  21. 道情作为道教发展过程中形成的传统宗教艺术形式,有其独特的内涵与价值。

    The religious artistic form of Taoism which has its unique connotation and value is formed in the development of the Taoism .

  22. 这一切都使得我们只能敬畏之。然而你可以在宗教艺术中经常发现描绘圣人,或者圣母玛利亚的作品-竭力展现出其迷人的一面-虽然并不经常。

    And yet you will see in religious art , saints or the Virgin Mary will often be portrayed-not always-in glamorous forms .

  23. 第二章系统的梳理了中世纪欧洲的宗教艺术,具体的介绍了哥特式艺术的历史重要性。

    Chapter ⅱ system combing the religious art of the Middle Ages in Europe , specifically the historical importance of the Gothic art .

  24. 白族家具在吸收了大量的内地文化的基础上,形成了具有白族特色的、多宗教艺术魅力的白族家具。

    Absorbing a great deal of hinterland culture , the Bai nationality furniture has shaped the Bai nationality 's special features which is multi-religious .

  25. 在中国佛教美术发展的历史进程中,经历了一个外来艺术本土化、宗教艺术世俗化的过程。

    The development of Chinese Buddhist Arts has gone through the process in which the foreign arts became naturalized and the religious arts became popularized .

  26. 宗教艺术的特点是这一艺术不但具备宗教文化,而且具有很高的审美价值,是赋有浓郁精神内涵的艺术形式。

    Not only the religious art characteristic is this art has the religious culture , moreover has the very high esthetic value , has the rich energetic connotation artistic form .

  27. 附近的克莱吉亚塔博物馆坐落在一栋16世纪的文艺复兴建筑之中,展览中世纪宗教艺术,年度参观人次从7000人增长到了七万人。

    The nearby Museum of Colegiata , housed in a 16th century Renaissance mansion , experienced a rise in annual visits to 70000 from 7000 for its religious , medieval art .

  28. 况且,这种情况在世界各处不论从前和今日都有的,凡是在任何形式的艺术,尤其是宗教艺术和科学艺术还未出现,以治疗或预防这种败德窳风的地方,莫不有之。

    present in the world wherever art did not appear in some form -- especially as religion and science -- as a remedy and a preventive for this breath of pestilence .

  29. 北朝是我国的民族大融合时期,艺术领域出现了许多新面貌,其表现之一就是宗教艺术呈现出一派繁荣的景象,各地宗教造像艺术蔚然成风。

    The Northern Dynasties of China , the times of national integration , brought out a lot changes to arts . The religious arts , particularly statue arts , were in a boom at that time .

  30. 宗教艺术珍品中最为引为注目的是巨幅壁画&释迦摩尼和五百罗汉山,他们是由金、银、铜、铁、锡五种金属制作而成。

    Intereting pieces of religious art include the giant mural depicting the story of Sakyamuni and the Mount of500 Arhats who are cast in five metals , gold , silver , copper , iron , and tin .