
  1. 蔡冠深说正是这样的保证,才巩固了香港作为国际金融贸易中心的地位。

    Choi says it 's that pledge which has helped cement Hong Kong 's status as an international financial and trade center .

  2. 作为中国最高级别的参政议政组织——全国政协——的一员,蔡冠深已经上交了好几份关于构建广东-香港-澳门大湾区的提案。

    A member for the Chinese People 's Political Consultative Conference , China 's top political advisory body , Choi has submitted several proposals on the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area .

  3. 尽管有这些成就,蔡冠深也承认香港经济仍然面临一些风险,比如极高的土地价格、持续劳动力短缺以及人口老龄化问题。

    Despite these achievements , Jonathan Choi does admit there are dangers still facing Hong Kong 's economy , notably high land prices , a consistent labor shortage and an aging population .

  4. 20年来,蔡冠深认为香港的商业环境越来越好,他的公司从曾经在香港的一个海产品公司演变成了一个涉足大陆房地产、金融、科技的大企业。

    Twenty years on , Jonathan Choi argues Hong Kong 's business environment is getting better , with his own business evolving from a seafood company in Hong Kong to a large conglomerate with footprints in sectors such as real estate , finance and technology on the mainland .