
  1. 蔡仪对中国文艺美学研究的影响与启示

    The Influence of Cai Yi on Chinese Aesthetics of Art and Literature

  2. 第三种研究思路是从规律的角度探究美的本质,以蔡仪为代表。

    Third is the angle of law as Cai Yi for representative .

  3. 真理与马克思主义哲学体系问题&蔡仪美学思想的坚实基石

    Solid foundation stone of cie-yi 's aesthetics : the problems about truth and Marxism Philosophy

  4. 唯物主义认识论框架内的美学&蔡仪美学思想再评价

    Aesthetics in the Framework of Materialist Ideology & Further Evaluation of Cai Yi 's Aesthetic Ideas

  5. 在我国的现代美学史上,蔡仪是一位很有创见与成就的美学家。

    In the history of modern esthetics in China , Cai Yi is a very thoughtful and accomplished esthetician .

  6. 马克思恩格斯关于典型和美的规律的理论,照亮了蔡仪先生的美学之路。

    Marx and Engels theory about law of tupos and law of beauty illuminated the path of CAI Yi s aesthetic study .

  7. 蔡仪的现实主义艺术学说,从一个重要的纬度为文艺美学研究奠定了理论基础。

    From an important angle , the realism art theory of Cai Yi laid the theories foundation for the study on Chinese aesthetics of art and literature .

  8. 20世纪80、90年代,蔡仪美学进入一个回归与完善20世纪前期《新美学》立场的时期。

    In the 80s and 90s of twenty century , Mr. Cai Yi directed his aesthetics into the return and improvement of New Aesthetics published in the early twenty century .

  9. 蔡仪将唯物主义认识论运用于美学,撰写了中国第一部系统的马克思主义美学论著,为中国马克思主义美学的创立奠定了初步基础。

    Cai Yi applied the materialist ideology to aesthetics and wrote the first systematic Marxist aesthetic work in China , which had laid preliminary foundation for the establishment of Marxist aesthetics in China .

  10. 《新美学》改写本是一个极为重要的现象,它是蔡仪先生政治意识形态立场与美学学术追求双重因素作用的结果,反映了晚年蔡仪学术上的迷茫与自持。

    Adaptation of New Aesthetics , an important phenomenon , reflects the results of his pursuing dual factors both in the position of political ideology and aesthetic science , and shows his confusion and self-restraint in his late period of academic .