
  • 网络lecce;US Lecce
  1. 十五年前,我在意大利南部的莱切度暑假。

    Fifteen years ago , I took a summer vacation in Lecce in southern Italy .

  2. 他和莱切的合同将杂6月30日结束。

    His contract with Lecce runs out on the30th of june .

  3. 由此可见,要想避免降级,莱切得好好费些思量。

    It will take something very special to avoid relegation .

  4. “我们在莱切长大,”卡洛接着说。

    We grew up in Lecce , " " Carlo continues . "

  5. 肯塔基州州长恩尼。弗莱切少有公众支持。

    The state 's governor , Ernie fletcher , has little public support .

  6. 莱切后卫马尔科。卡塞蒂在他们的名单上,同时雷吉纳的意大利球员梅斯托也是一个选择。

    Lecce defender Marco Cassetti is on their short-list , as is reggina 's Italian international giandomenico mesto .

  7. 这位乌拉圭球员表示,他首先考虑的是帮助莱切保级,之后才是自己未来的去向。

    The Uruguayan claims he is eager to help Lecce avoid the drop before looking to clarify his future .

  8. 同时,对主教练德尚来说,在周六主场对战莱切的比赛中,会有一些好消息。

    However , there is some good news for boss Didier Deschamps ahead of Saturday 's home game with Lecce .

  9. 最终罗马俱乐部不得不与莱切和都灵进行秘密竞价,来分别争夺后卫卡塞蒂与科莫托。

    The capital club will be forced into the blind auction with Lecce for fullback Cassetti and with Torino for Comotto .

  10. 美国耶鲁大学的研究人员杰森•弗莱切给这些年轻男女的容貌进行打分。

    Researcher Jason Fletcher , of Yale University in the U.S. , rated the attractiveness of the young men and women .

  11. 德比失利让罗马连微弱的冠军联赛资格希望也丧失殆尽,如果再拿不下可怜的莱切,罗马球迷可真要不干了。

    The derby defeat destroyed what little hope Roma had of qualifying for the Champions League and without a win against struggling Lecce their fans could turn nasty .

  12. 卡帕萨兄妹在莱切长大,那里像是一个有着米黄色墙壁的梦幻城镇。他们还会去父母的出生地奥特兰托度假。

    The Capasa siblings grew up in Lecce , that cream-walled dream of a city , and spent their vacations in Otranto , where their parents were born .

  13. 前莱切球星从06年签约拉齐奥,现如今可能步同胞卡莫拉内西的后尘,后者在03年代表意大利出场了。

    The former Lecce star , who signed for the Biancocelesti in2006 , would follow in the footsteps of another Argentine , Mauro Camoranesi , who chose to represent Italy in2003 .

  14. 从有“南方的佛罗伦萨”之称的巴洛克风格城镇莱切,到最南边被一片类似加勒比海的海洋环绕的圣玛丽亚迪莱乌卡,再到内陆随处可见葡萄园和陶瓷器的格罗塔列,萨伦托地域广阔,风格多样。

    From the Baroque city of Lecce , known as the Florence of the South , to southernmost Santa Maria di Leuca , which is lapped by a Caribbean-like sea , to the inland Grottaglie , with its vineyards and ceramics , Salento is vast and various .