
  1. 汽车二级维护中检测诊断技术的应用研究

    Study of Applying Diagnostic Technique in Inspection of Motor Vehicle Second Echelon Maintenance

  2. 载货汽车最优二级维护周期的研究车辆二级维护中润滑作业的重要性

    On the Optimum Class ⅱ Maintenance Period of Truck Importance of Lubricate Working in the Second Maintenance of Automobiles

  3. 本文利用微机及数字分析的方法,提出了在对现行汽车技术维护制度进行改革中,确定汽车二级维护周期的有效方案。

    In this paper , propose an available method to get secondary interval of automobile maintenance with analysing service charge by the computer .