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zhí biān
  • hold a whip;be a teacher
  • coachman
执鞭 [zhí biān]
  • (1) [hold the whip]∶手拿鞭子

  • (2) [act as a coach driver for someone]∶举鞭为人驾车,表示景仰追随

  • 假令晏子而在,余虽为之执鞭,所忻慕焉。--《史记.管晏列传赞》

  • 执鞭随镫

  • (3) [teach]∶指从事教学或教练工作

  1. 当运动员们在祭司和执鞭者的驱使之下走向比赛场地时,他们就会受到提醒,想起那些触怒了宙斯并让家乡父老颜面尽失的人。

    As athletes neared the field of play , herded by priests and whip-bearers , they were reminded of all who had offended Zeus and disgraced their home communities .