
  1. 按照curses后端的风格,anygui的项目负责人MagnusLieHetland已经建议了纯面向行界面(似乎有点倒退),它可以使用readlines支持。

    Along the lines of a curses backend , anygui 's project lead , Magnus Lie Hetland , has suggested a plain line-oriented fallback interface , maybe using readlines support .

  2. 启动后提供纯命令行界面的操作系统已逐渐演化为图形化前端。

    Operating systems that once started as a command line-only interface have moved to a graphical front end .

  3. 纯咖啡就行了。

    Just plain coffee will do .

  4. 结论对于外伤后康复要求较高的掌骨骨折,改进传统的治疗手法,采用特制的AO微型纯钛板钉行坚实的内固定治疗,辅以术后早期功能锻炼,可得到满意的治疗结果;

    Conclusions For the patients with metacarpal fracture , the rigid internal fixation with custom made pure titanium mini plate in combination with early rehabilitation can obtain satisfactory treatment outcome .

  5. 从现在开始,我们将省略纯诊断性代码行,以便聚焦于直接执行程序功能的那些代码行。

    From this point forward , lines that are purely diagnostic are omitted so that we can concentrate on just those that contribute directly to performing program functions .