
  • 网络Unsafe Factor
  1. 过大的探头功耗要求LD提供更大的光功率输出,因此在易燃易爆场合会产生不安全因素。

    Larger LD power output will be need when the probe power consumption becomes larger , so there will be unsafe factor in flammable and explosive occasion .

  2. 目的探讨手术室护理不安全因素及防范措施,以提高患者围术期护理安全。

    Objective To discuss the unsafe factor and the measure of the operating room nursing , enhance patients ? nursing security .

  3. outlook禁止访问下列具有潜在不安全因素的附件:<0s>

    Outlook blocked access to the following potentially unsafe attachments : < 0s >

  4. 根据Access数据库系统的各种不安全因素分析其安全隐患,给出了相应的防范措施。

    Analysis on potential safety troubles of Access database system from a variety of security factors , and presenting corresponding prevention measures .

  5. 介绍了Access作为内联网络环境的网络数据库的优点,分析了基于内联网络环境下Access作为Web数据库所存在的不安全因素,并对其提出了合理的解决方案。

    The advantages of Access as Web Database in the intranet network environment are introduced , and some security factors are analyzed . Solutions are presented to solve security problems .

  6. 探讨了ICU病房中使用微量注射泵的不安全因素及对策。

    This paper explores the status and countermeasure to unsafe factors by using microinjection bumps in ICU of the hospital .

  7. 讨论了含毒SF6气体的泄漏,GIS设计、安装中存在的不安全因素,并阐明建立强力通风装置的必要性。

    This article discusses the leakage of noxious gas SF6 , GIS design , unsafe factors in installation , and expounds the necessity of building " Sharp draft unit " .

  8. 针对目前计算机网络中的不安全因素,研究在电力系统中利用灾难恢复技术,为保证OA系统数据安全可靠而采取的措施,提出OA系统的数据备份及灾难恢复方案。

    In view of the present insecurity factors in computer network , this paper analyzes data disaster recovery technology , puts forward an effective data backup and disaster recovery solution of OA system .

  9. 本机制针对无线窃听,身份假冒和篡改数据这三个威胁WLAN安全的不安全因素,分为认证鉴别机制与加密传输机制两个模块。

    This mechanism aims at the WLAN 's three threats : wireless eavesdropping , counterfeiting identity and modifying data . This mechanism was divided into two modules : certification , authentication mechanism and encryption mechanism .

  10. 通过这一套检测方法,能够发现Hash算法潜在的弱点和不安全因素,进而能对整个算法的安全性作出适当的评价。

    By using the method , we can find out the underlying weaknesses and factors of insecurity in Hash . Moreover , we can make an appropriate evaluation as to the security of the Hash algorithm .

  11. 对国际电工委员会(IEC)规定的几种常见低压配电系统接地型式进行了分析计算,指出了各系统存在的不安全因素,并提出了工程应用中应采取的相应措施。

    General earthing forms of low voltage electric systems stipulated by IEC are analyzed and calculated , unsafe factors in these systems are presented , and some corresponding measures that should be taken in engineering applications are suggested .

  12. 文章从TCP/IP协议本身入手,分析了协议本身的脆弱性及由此产生的网络的不安全因素,然后论述了黑客的常用攻击手段,接着针对不同的安全需要提出了相应的解决办法。

    The thesis starts from TCP / IP protocol , analyzes the frangibility of the protocol and the non-security factors of Internet behind it . And then analyzes aggressive ways usually used by hijacker , and then the solutions corresponding to different security requirements are brought forward .

  13. 本文对两类矩阵覆盖(MC)掩护下的Knapsack体制进行了讨论,指出这两类体制的不安全因素与某些表达错误。同时,提出了两类修改的MC-Knapsack体制。

    In this paper , the security of the Knapsack cryptosystems concealed by matrix cover ( MC ) are discussed and two new types of MC-Knapsack cryptosystems are presented .

  14. 但是,PGP和S/MIME等技术都是面向最终用户的,当应用到企业内部网中就引入另外一些不安全因素,例如无法进行电子邮件的扫描,查杀病毒等。

    Both PGP and S / MIME are aimed at end-users . When using it in a intranet , it will cause some security problems , such as searching for prohibited words and virus scanning .

  15. 起重设备采用遥控操作后会存在一些不安全因素,本文以F-21D型遥控器对10吨桥式起重机进行遥控改造为例,提出了对起重机进行安全保护的实施方案。

    Some safety problems arise after the remote control is applied to the hoisting machinery . A 10t overhead travelling crane using F 21 type remote control device is taken as example to show the plan of retrofit for providing safety protection .

  16. 针对终端设备的注册原语和会话层、网络层、链路层的通信机制,假设了若干不安全因素,用Petri网建立了入侵者模型,通过对模型的分析,得到相应的应对方案。

    Eventually , the correctness and completeness of protocol is validated . ( 2 ) For the registration of terminal device and the communication mechanism of session layer , network layer and link layer , some factors of insecurity are assumed and intruder model is set up by Petri net .

  17. 虽然新鲜分离的猪肝细胞和人肝细胞瘤细胞都曾经被用作BALSS的细胞材料,但由于存在过敏反应、病毒感染和诱发肿瘤等不安全因素,临床应用受到很大限制。

    Freshly isolated porcine hepatocytes and human liver tumor cells have been used as cell materials of BALSS , but because of the possibility of allergic reactions , viral infections and tumorigenesis , clinical applications of these types of BALSS were strictly limited .

  18. 从金融安全的指标看,陕西金融存在着不安全因素。

    Financial Information There are many risk factor in Shaanxi finance .

  19. 方法:将不安全因素分类列出、对症解决。

    Methods To list the factor of dangerous and solved it .

  20. 救助危险品船的不安全因素和防范措施探讨

    Research On Unsafe Factors And Countermeasures Of Salvaging Dangerous Cargo Vessel

  21. 角膜准分子激光屈光性手术中存在的不安全因素分析及防范

    Analysis and precaution of the unsafe factors in excimer photorefractive keratectomy

  22. 城市电力隧道工程不安全因素及预防

    The unsafe factors of urban electric power tunnel engineering and prevention

  23. 通过对煤矿事故的统计分析,在事故致因模型的基础上,总结出煤矿生产中存在的不安全因素。

    Summarizing the unsafe factors based on the cause models .

  24. 住院患儿不安全因素的分析及对策

    Insecurity Factors in Hospitalized Children : Analysis and Preventive Strategies

  25. 微量注射泵使用中不安全因素现状分析与对策

    The Status and Countermeasure to Unsafe Factors in Application of Microinjection Bump

  26. 军队医院护士锐器伤的不安全因素与防护措施

    Risk factors and prevention of sharp injuries among nurses in army hospitals

  27. 浅谈税务计算机系统的不安全因素及安全策略

    A Rough Study on the Tax Computer System Insecurity and Security Policies

  28. 由于不对回调参数进行验证,因此存在一定的不安全因素。

    Callback arguments are not validated and therefore should be considered unsafe .

  29. 图书馆信息管理系统的不安全因素及防范措施

    Unsafe factors and preventing measures of library management information systems

  30. 护理不安全因素现状分析与防范对策

    Analyzing the Current Situation of Insecurity Factors of Nursing and Its Countermeasures