
  • 网络Dissonance;Dissonant interval
  1. 加四度也是不稳定的不协和音程,需要变为协和音程。

    The augmented fourth is also a dissonance , an unstable interval that needs to move to a consonance .

  2. 不协和音程为二度和七度。

    Dissonant intervals are the second and the seventh .

  3. 在调性音乐中,不协和音程是不稳定的,听上去似乎他们应改变为协和音程。

    In tonal music dissonances are unstable and sound as if they should move to a consonance .

  4. 其他音程为不协和音程。

    Other intervals are dissonances .

  5. 由于不协和音程造成的和谐困难和旋律困难,曾一度被称为音乐中的魔鬼。

    Because of the harmonic and melodic difficulties it caused , it was once known as diabolus in musica , the devil in music .