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  • 网络apramada
  1. 不放逸的人不死,放逸的人与死人同样。

    The heedful do not die ; the heedless are like unto the dead .

  2. 通过不放逸、正念、戒律与防护诸根,智者使自己成为一座洪水无法淹没的岛屿。

    By effort and heedfulness , discipline and self-mastery , let the wise one make for himself an island which no flood can overwhelm .

  3. 奋励不放逸,自制、自律,有智慧的人不为瀑流漂荡,能(自)作岛屿。

    By sustained effort , earnestness , discipline , and self-control , let the wise man make for himself an island , which no flood oerwhelms .