
  • 网络indiscretion;disorderly persons offense
不检点 [bù jiǎn diǎn]
  • (1)

  • [be unrestrained]∶不受约束

  • 丝丝道:泣月南楼。行者一时不检点,顺口招道:拜佛西天。--《西游记》

  • (2)

  • [misbehave]∶行为不端,举止不正派

  • 他行为不检点

  1. 人们可以容忍公众人物婚外的不检点行为。

    People are prepared to be tolerant of extra-marital peccadilloes by public figures .

  2. 阿布拉莫夫生活不检点。

    Abramov did not live a chaste life .

  3. 他在私生活方面的不检点是出了名的。

    He is notoriously indiscreet about his private life

  4. 行为不检点的人,日后往往懊悔。

    A person who does a regrettable action is often regretful afterwards .

  5. 他喝醉时,行为不检点。

    He 's a bad actor when he 's drunk .

  6. 上尉因行为不检点而被赶出了军队。

    The captain was kicked out of the army for immoral behaviour .

  7. 我们俩都有行为不检点

    Well , uh , we both had our share of indiscretions .

  8. 我因为行为不检点而受到女校长的斥责。

    I was called to account for my conduct by the headmistress .

  9. 他由于行为不检点被学校开除了。

    He was expelled from school for bad behaviour .

  10. 行为不检点就丧失其资格知道吗?

    Will be disqualfied if has bad conduct understand ?

  11. 现在他很愤怒。母亲的不检点,让他痛苦。

    Now he 's so angry , moments of levity actually cause him pain .

  12. 女孩子们都担心被认为行为不检点。

    Girls worry about being called a slut .

  13. 是关于你的委托人过去某些不检点的行为

    about your client 's past indiscretions .

  14. 我后排的男生行为不检点没个孩子样

    And the boy in the next row acts inappropriately for someone who 's a child

  15. 我不能允许任何人指责我行为不检点!她大声说。

    ' I cannot allow any man to accuse me of bad behaviour !' she cried .

  16. 他的生活不检点人所共知的。

    His lifestyle was no secret .

  17. 如果每个警察都信守沉默守则,调查警察不检点的行为就非常困难。

    Investigating bad police behavior is difficult if every officer has adopted the Code of Silence .

  18. 弗洛里克自己也有一些不检点的行为,比如与公司冠名合伙人威尔加德纳发生的一段婚外情。

    Florrick engaged in some scandalous behavior of her own , starting an affair with named partner Will Gardner .

  19. 我只是一个爱慕虚荣的女仆跟一位不检点的国王擦枪走火的私生子。

    Alistair : I am the son of a star-struck maid and an indiscreet man who just happened to be king .

  20. 以他这样一个经常偏行己意,生活又不检点的人,神为何会使用他呢?

    How could God use a man who showed his own self-will so frequently and whose life was far from holiness ?

  21. 布兰奇生来脆弱,在失去了爱、失去了家庭并背负着不检点过去的情况下,生活对她来说更加艰难。

    Life is hard for the fragile Blanche who is overburdened with the loss of love and home and a promiscuous past .

  22. 但它需要专注于从制度上规定一些方法来惩戒不检点的政府,而不是要让救援计划因缺乏资金而饿死。

    But it needs to concentrate on institutional ways of disciplining profligate governments , rather than starving the rescue package of funds .

  23. 德贝维尔看到由于自己的行为不检点,逼得苔丝不得不步行,也不时地表现出一种强烈的不安来。

    From time to timed'Urberville exhibited a sort of fierce distress at the sight of the tramping he had driven her to undertake by his misdemeanour .

  24. 因为至少在佛吉尼亚州,这会导致你因为行为不检点而被捕。

    And don 't use curse words in an aggressive way , because in Virginia , anyway , that can get you arrested for disorderly conduct .

  25. 麦科马克是一位积极的民主党募捐人,曾出版过一本书,详细讲述信奉家庭价值观的共和党政客们性生活的不检点。

    Mr. McCormack , an active Democratic fund-raiser , is the author of a book that details the sexual indiscretions of Republican politicians who espouse family values .

  26. 现在有许多所谓的明星都行为不检点,装模作样,希望这些能够成为天赋和领悟的标志。

    Now there are people who start with the bad behavior and the affectations , hoping that it will be seen as a sign of insight and talent .

  27. 例句与用法:那被定罪的人木无表情地听著对他的宣判.当时的许多作家都谴责该皇帝的行径.我们责备他行为不检点。

    The condemned man listened to his sentence without batting an eyelid . Many contemporary writers condemned the emperor 's actions . We condemned him for his bad conduct .

  28. 一些生活不检点的男子可以利用电话俱乐部,选取一位女性的照片,然后从电话亭拨通她的电话,安排一次约会。

    Men wanting more illicit companionship use telephone clubs that allow them to select a woman 's picture , dial her up from a phone booth and arrange to meet .

  29. 该项研究论文的主要作者、组织与人力资源助理教授艾米丽•格里哈尔瓦表示:自恋与各种人际关系失调有关,包括无法维持良性发展的长期关系,行为不检点和强势好斗。

    Narcissism is associated with various interpersonal dysfunctions , including an inability to maintain healthy long-term relationships , unethical behaviour and aggression , said Emily Grijalva , assistant professor of organisation and human resources , and the paper 's lead author .

  30. 克里斯汀说:“一时的不检点危及到了我生命中最重要的东西,我最爱和最尊重的罗伯特。我爱他,我爱他,我很抱歉。”

    Kristen said : ' This momentary indiscretion has jeopardised the most important thing in my life , the person I love and respect the most , Rob . I love him , I love him , I 'm so sorry . '