
  • 网络Life Unexpected
  1. 《绯闻女孩》目前还处于暂停阶段,腾出时间档留给新剧《不期而至》。

    " Gossip Girl " is taking a hiatus to give the time slot for new series " Life Unexpected " .

  2. 有些时候,我们期待的事情会不期而至。

    Sometimes our expectations sneak up on us unawares .

  3. 支持可续航性(Sustainability)和自恢复性(SelfHealing),包括监测、预测和缓解不期而至的意外行为和状况的能力,以及按需获取与释放资源的能力;

    Support for Sustainability and Self Healing which includes ability to detect , predict and mitigate undesirable and unintended behaviors and conditions as well as draw and release resources on demand ;

  4. 通胀的屡反屡胀和通缩的不期而至,是个市场信号失真、资源闲置的反映,83.3%的国企负债率和占GDP一半的广义负债率则是证明。

    The reason of market in failure and idle resources is that the continuation of inflation and deflation comes at the same time . There are two examples can prove it . One is 83.3 % of state-owneds are in debt .

  5. 这或许能够解释为什么经济学家萨拉索尔尼科(sarasolnick)和戴维海明威(davidhemenway)发现,比起那些我们明确索要的礼物,我们更喜欢不期而至的礼物。

    That may explain why the economists Sara solnick and David Hemenway have discovered that we prefer unsolicited presents to those we have specifically requested .

  6. 数十年后,我的橱柜里塞了几张哈佛文凭,并且还快乐地期望不久之后另一个WIG(超级不可能的目标)将会不期而至地突然进入到我的意识中。

    Decades later , I have a couple of Harvard diplomas stuck in a closet , and a happy expectation that sometime soon another WIG is going to pop , unbidden , into my consciousness .

  7. 也许,具有男子气的男人毕竟不是什么21世纪的佐罗(Zorro),能及时的不期而至,送别女里女气的男人。

    Perhaps manly man has not , after all , dropped in like some 21st century Zorro , just in time to see off girly man .

  8. Argy-Bargy沦为罪人当小贝在英格兰与阿根廷的98年世界杯淘汰赛中吃到他职业生涯第一张红牌后,他职业生涯的第一个低谷不期而至。小贝报复性地抬腿跘倒了阿根廷的迭戈·西蒙尼。

    The undoubted low point of Beckham 's playing career came when he received his first-ever red card in 1998 , for flicking his leg out at Argentina 's Diego Simeone during England 's World Cup knockout game .

  9. 而且大众化的不期而至,使质量问题变得更为复杂一些。

    It is more difficult when the massification comes into reality .

  10. 我们不得不接待不期而至的亲戚们。

    We were stuck with relatives who came to stay unexpectedly .

  11. 就在日食的当天,雨不期而至。

    The day of the eclipse , raining is coming rolling down .

  12. 同时,反派人物也从外太空不期而至。

    Meanwhile , an unprecedented evil approaches from outer space .

  13. 不期而至的快乐时刻总是我的最爱。

    The happily unexpected moments are usually my favourite .

  14. 重要提示:垃圾邮件过滤器可以帮助您控制不期而至的电子邮件。

    IMPORTANT : The Junk Mail Filter helps you avoid receiving unwanted e-mail .

  15. 他不期而至刚好又很饿

    He came by unexpected and he was hungry .

  16. 危机事件破坏了媒体的形象,危机不期而至。

    Critical incident would undermine the media image and the crisis comes unexpectedly .

  17. 雨不期而至,你抓紧帽檐,

    Here comes the rain , so hold your hat

  18. 我决定留在家里,以防朋友们不期而至。

    I decided to stay at home just in case my friends came round .

  19. 所有这一切,都要归功于那天的一只不期而至穿过马路的乌龟。

    All thanks to an unexpected turtle crossing the street , that one day .

  20. 他们最终在午饭的时候不期而至。

    They eventuall rolled up at lunchtime .

  21. 全家不期而至,但不管怎样,母亲还是为他们拼凑了一顿饭。

    The whole family arrived unexpectedly but mother drummed up a meal for them somehow .

  22. 通常不期而至,就像四月里突然下起的春雨,或是花蕾的突然绽放。

    often comes suddenly , like an April shower or the unfolding of a bud .

  23. 赶上不期而至的暴雨,你抓起什么遮住头?

    What do you grab to cover your head when caught in an unexpected rainstorm ?

  24. 但不可能的事件往往会像黑天鹅一样不期而至,也就是说,完全出乎意料时就已经大祸临头。

    But improbable events can arrive like black swans , that is to say , unexpectedly .

  25. 麻烦不期而至,2010年澳洲政府企图开征采矿附加税。

    Trouble can arise in unexpected places : in2010 Australia 's government tried to impose a mining supertax .

  26. (2)偶然出现;不期而至我等了很久才碰巧拿到一个我认为着实滑稽的剧本。

    eg. I waited a long time until a script came along that I thought was genuinely funny .

  27. 博客是不期而至的问候,博客是探索心灵与社会动态的窗口。

    Blog is a kind of greeting without appoints , blog is the window to explore soul and society .

  28. 客人不期而至,女主人因为给客人的没有奶酪的苹果派而致歉。

    Unexpected guests , the hostess to the guests because there is no cheese , apple pie and apologize .

  29. 当你还处在夏天模式时,寒意料峭的秋天就已经不期而至了,这时你就会感到大吃一惊。

    Particularly cold autumn days tend to come as a rude shock when you 're still in the summer mindset .

  30. 航班可能被取消,或者你准备好做一次史诗级的户外探险时,雨却不期而至。

    Maybe your flight is cancelled or it rains the day you 're scheduled to go on an epic outdoor adventure .