
  1. 这个笑话不可说第二遍。

    The joke doesn 't bear repeating .

  2. 说不可说&再论哲学何为

    To Speak the Unspeakable : On the Ultimate Goal of Philosophy

  3. 首领也不可说,浓酒在那里?

    Nor for princes to say , Where is strong drink ?

  4. 就像一个完全的绝对的不可说的协议。

    It 's like a completely and utterly unspoken agreement .

  5. 维特根斯坦不可说思想的理论价值

    The Theoretical Value of Wittgenstein 's Thought of the Unspeakable

  6. 可说与不可说之说

    On " to Say or Not to Say "

  7. 我不可说,“现在我爱你到极点,”

    Might I not then say ' Now I love you best , '

  8. 当你与天真的年轻女孩交谈时,不可说如此粗鲁的话。

    You mustn 't use such coarse language when talking to innocent young girls .

  9. 不可说的个人愿景。

    The unspeakable visions of the individual .

  10. 论民族精神的可说与不可说

    On Saying and Unsaying of National Spirit

  11. 语言符号的表达称为“可说”,非语言符号的表达称为“不可说”。

    Language expression can be termed " sayable " and non-linguistic expression " unsayable " .

  12. 他认识了自己和普遍宇宙精神为一体的时候,会意识到不可说的平静。

    Knowing himself to be one with the Universal Spirit , he realizes ineffable Peace .

  13. 现代音乐:在可说与不可说之间

    Music : Between the Speakable and Unspeakable

  14. 民族精神的话题有可说与不可说之分。

    The topic of national spirit can be divided into two kinds : saying and unsaying .

  15. 哲学的可说与不可说

    Philosophy : speakable and unspeakable

  16. 但是却造成了可说的世界与不可说的“神秘之域”的分离。

    But the result is that what can be said and what can 't be said are separated .

  17. 爱情有如佛家的禅&不可说,不可说,一说就是错。

    Roland ● love is like a Zen Buddhist-can not be said , can not be said , that is wrong .

  18. 不要轻易听信别人所说批评论断毁谤的话,自己更不可说这样的话。

    We should not believe the rumor easily the sharp critical , ironical assertion , much more speak it out by ourselves .

  19. 他被提到乐园里,听到隐秘的言语,是人不可说的。

    How that he was caught up into paradise , and heard unspeakable words , which it is not lawful for a man to utter .

  20. 不可说,人怎样对待我,我也怎样待他,我必照他所行的报复他。

    Say not , I will do so to him as he hath done to me : I will render to the man according to his work .

  21. 可说与不可说不仅是维特根斯坦阐述其哲学的主题,而且是维特根斯坦进行哲学思考的范式与界限。

    " What can be said " and " what cannot be said " is not only his philosophical topic , but also the norm and limit .

  22. 人被试探,不可说:“我是被上帝试探”;因为上帝不能被恶试探,他也不试探人。

    When tempted , no one should say ," god is tempting me . " for God cannot be tempted by evil , nor does he tempt anyone ;

  23. 其实,从哲学基本问题和语言层次的观点来分析,这些不可说的东西并不神秘,我们的语言有相对地表达这些东西的方式,同时又有其局限性。

    In fact , from the viewpoint of the basic philosophy and the hierarchy of languages ," the things that cannot be put into words " are not mystical .

  24. 康德以前的天才观往往徘徊于神与人之间,逗留于说与不可说之界。

    Before Kant the concept of genius usually went back and forth between the absolute being and the person , and stopped over for a time in the boundary of " say " vs. " can 't say " .

  25. 本章首先分析了区别于知识的最终的确定性,其次论述了确定性在语言游戏起一种框架或基础的作用,但这种作用却处于某种沉寂的、不可说的状态。

    Firstly , to elaborate the ultimate certainty of differing from knowledge ; secondly , to discuss its effect " framework " or " foundation " in language-game , but this effect is the state of silence and beyond words .

  26. 你们若说耶和华的默示,耶和华就如此说,因你们说耶和华的默示这句话,我也打发人到你们那里去,告诉你们不可说耶和华的默示。

    But since ye say , The burden of the LORD ; therefore thus saith the LORD ; Because ye say this word , The burden of the LORD , and I have sent unto you , saying , Ye shall not say , The burden of the LORD ;

  27. 耶和华你的神将这些国民从你面前撵出以后、你心里不可说、耶和华将我领进来得这地是因我的义。其实耶和华将他们从你面前赶出去、是因他们的恶。

    And after the Lord has sent them in flight from before you , say not in your heart , because of my righteousness the Lord has given me this land ; when it is because of their evil-doing that the Lord is driving these nations out before you .

  28. 而在这一系列原因中,流程分析阶段的分析模型的不完善可说是很多流程重组失败的重要因素,是很多工程搁浅、失败的根源。

    Among these reasons , lacking integrated analysis model can be regarded as the root of the failure .

  29. 她想说点儿什么,可是又想不出什么可说的。

    She longed to speak , but could think of nothing to say ;

  30. 不,那可说不通,那…不那是废话,不行

    No ! That was not made clear . That 's. .. No. That 's bullshit , Fahim . No.