
  1. 这篇文章真差,简直令人不忍卒读。

    This article is too awful . it 's not worth reading .

  2. 一场戏即将落幕,不管过程如何精彩或是不忍卒读,结局却是那样的寂寥与苍凉。

    The curtain is falling , whatever wonderful or repulsive the game is , it will come to such a bleak end in solitude .

  3. 多惨的一桩悲剧啊,案件的细节令人不忍卒读。媒体的解读也基本上是沿着三个非常容易预期的导向来进行的。

    What is a terrible tragedy - the details are awful and stomach churning - has played out in the press along three very predictable directions .