
  1. 本文对一个在角形区域由复指数Dirichlet级数表示且在一固定水平带形有界解析不恒为零的函数的存在性,给出了充分必要条件。

    A necessary and sufficient condition is given for the existence of an analytic function which is analytic in an angular region , not identically zero , bounded in a horizontal strip and represented by Dirichlet series of complex exponents .

  2. 对在半圆盘和半平面中属于Nevanlinna类且不恒为零的解析函数,分别给出了充分条件、积分表达式和分解定理。

    Some sufficient conditions , integral expressions and factorization theorems are given for an analytic function which is not identically zero and belongs to Nevanlinna class in the half-disk or half-plane .

  3. 目的研究不均匀恒磁场N极和S极对小鼠尾部血栓形成和血浆组织型纤溶酶原激活物(t-PA)及其抑制物(PAI)的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of the N pole and S pole of uneven constant magnetic field on tail thrombosis , plasma tissue plasminogen activator ( t-PA ) and its inhibitor in mice .

  4. 而改变其它因素仅仅影响失水量但不影响恒速干燥速率。

    Changing other factors only influenced the water loss but constant drying rate .

  5. 你会怎样回答呢?假如基督今天再来,他会看见你不住恒切祷告吗?

    How would you answer it , realising the possibility of Christ coming today ?

  6. 结论不均匀恒磁场有抗血栓作用。

    Conclusion The study suggests that the uneven constant magnetic field has antithrombotic effect for thrombosis .

  7. 能否一直保持健康的心态、丝不苟、不以恒地学习?

    Can you always keep a healthy mood and constantly work hard at English without fail ?

  8. 反应速率时间曲线上未出现恒速平台,聚合过程不存在恒速期;

    The reaction rate time curve shows that no stage of constant reaction rate exists in this polymerization system ;

  9. 速生杨木改性材阻燃剂抗流失性的研究而改变其它因素仅仅影响失水量但不影响恒速干燥速率。

    Study on retard leach resistant of modified fast-grown poplar Changing other factors only influenced the water loss but constant drying rate .

  10. 具有优先约束的不完全恒速机排序问题光速是恒定的,完全不依赖于观测者及光源的速度。

    Semi uniform Processors Scheduling Problem with Dependent Tasks ; The speed of light is always the same regardless of the motion of the observer or the light source .

  11. 其中电压比测量法不需恒流源电路,可以有效地减小环境温度变化所引起的磁场测量误差。

    The constant current source circuit is not necessary for the voltage proportional measurement method and the measurement error caused by the variety of environmental temperature can be reduced effectively .

  12. 不稳定精馏恒馏出液组成回流比的自动控制

    Automatic control of reflux ratio for non-stabilization rectification constant product component

  13. 同时,本文对负载变流器响应速度较慢、不具备等效为恒功率负载条件的级联系统稳定性也进行了研究,并得到了相似的结论。

    Meanwhile , this dissertation also investigates the cascaded system in which the response speed of load converter is not so fast that it can not be simplified by CPL. Similar conclusion is derived .

  14. 对于已知频率、未知振幅和初相的正弦扰动,或其它不可测量的恒值扰动,运用内模原理,通过设计内模动态补偿控制器,使系统达到无静差的、完全的扰动抑制。

    For the sinusoidal disturbances of known frequency , but unknown amplitude and phase , or other unmeasurable persistent disturbances , based on the internal model principle , the internal dynamic compensator is designed to reject disturbances with zero steady-state errors perfectly . 4 .