首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 不知者不怪也。

    There is not shame in not knowing .

  2. 不管在医学领域,还是在法律界、政府部门或者在社会科学方面,从下面这句古老的谚语中都找不到慰藉的成分:“不知者不为其所害。”

    Neither in medicine , nor in law , government , or the social sciences can there be comfort in the old saying ," what you don 't know can 't hurt you . "

  3. 皇上连连称奇,降道御旨:“不知者不怪罪,天作之合,由他去吧。”

    The emperor was greatly surprised by the story and issued an imperial decree : " He who is unaware is not liable . Since the match has been made by Heaven , it has to be allowed . "

  4. 不知我者谓我何求。

    I am a mystery to he who knows me not .

  5. 不知战争者以为它是美好的。

    War is sweet to them that know it not .

  6. 人生格言:知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求。

    " I know who my sorrow ," what I ask me .

  7. 我不知画者是否与我同想。

    I do not know whether the painting and I would like to .

  8. 知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求。(诗经·王风·黍离)

    The one who know I , call my heart sorrow , don 't know me , calling me beg .

  9. 跟随效应和公司低透明度已被某些知情者利用并成为其诈取不知情者利益的工具;

    The uninformed following trade and low transparency of companies are exploited by some informed as the tool of fleecing interest of those uninformed .

  10. 软家父主义得为限制吸烟者自我决定权的情形有三:一是不知情者;二是未成年人;三是上瘾者。

    Soft paternalism imposes restrictions on smokers in the right of self-determination from the following three factors : firstly , uninformed people ; secondly , the minor ; thirdly , addicts .

  11. 产业结构优化和城市化是当前我国经济发展的两大重要部分,而我国各级政府在制定产业结构优化和城市化政策时是各自进行的,殊不知二者之间是紧密联系的。

    The evolution of industrial structure and urbanization are two big important parts in the development of our country 's economy . But now our government makes the policy about the evolution of Industrial Structure and Urbanization alone .

  12. 在管理上重视信息与沟通,规避代理人作为知情者影响不知情者的利益,尽量限制决策代理人侵蚀委托人利益。项目办与中介机构以及内部各部门之间沟通都需要加强。

    Third , attach weight to the information and communication in management and evade the agent as an insider affecting the interests of uninformed player . During the communication with intermediary agencies and between departments of project office , communication should be enhanced .

  13. 殊不知,说此话者的本意是讽刺镇长大人的哟。

    Little imagine , the original idea of the person that say this word is acid alcalde adult oh .