
bù jí gé
  • fail;flunk;disqualified
不及格 [bù jí gé]
  • (1)

  • [flunk;fail]

  • (2)

  • 不够或达不到标准

  • (3)

  • 评定 [一个学生]成绩不能通过所要求的标准

  • 教师只让他的两个最坏的学生不及格

  • (4)

  • 证明缺少知识或技巧而不能通过(一项试验或课程)

  • 他的化学不及格

不及格[bù jí gé]
  1. 我考试三门及格,一门不及格。

    I got three passes and one fail .

  2. 你再缺一次课就会不及格了。

    Miss another class and you 'll fail .

  3. 一次考试不及格并非世界末日。

    Failing one exam is not the end of the world .

  4. 18个学生她就给了13个不及格。

    She 's flunked 13 of the 18 students .

  5. 我没有考不及格,事实上,我考得不错!

    I didn 't fail the exam ; in fact I did rather well !

  6. 主考人员评定,半数以上报考者不及格。

    The examiners failed over half the candidates .

  7. 每年考试不及格的学生现在不足十人。

    The number of people who fail each year is now in single figures .

  8. 别再让我着急了——我及不及格?

    Put me out of my misery ─ did I pass or didn 't I ?

  9. 他口试不及格。

    He failed the oral .

  10. 我总是担心期末考试不及格。

    I lived in fear of failing my end-of-term exams .

  11. 尽管她小的时候在音乐和艺术方面有不凡的天赋,上学的时候这两门功课却都不及格。

    Despite her precocious talent for music and art , she failed both subjects at school .

  12. 请将批阅完的考卷按及格和不及格分开。

    Please separate the marked examination papers into passes and fails .

  13. 英语考试不及格后,他完全不再傲慢自负。

    After failing the English test , his conceitedness completely evaporated .

  14. 他自夸考试从未不及格过。

    He boasted that he had never failed a test .

  15. 许多学生考试不及格。

    Many a student fails to pass on the examination .

  16. 他的学期论文得了个不及格分数。

    He received a falling grade on the term paper .

  17. 她英语不及格。

    She failed in English .

  18. 他因考试不及格深感沮丧。

    He is in a state of deep depression on account of his failure to pass the examination .

  19. 她考试不及格,感觉很羞愧。

    She was ashamed at being unable to pass the exam .

  20. 想到她的历史可能考不及格时,她很气馁。

    The thought that she might fail the history test dismayed her .

  21. 他考试不及格,因此非常难受。

    He failed his examination , and he 's taking it very hard .

  22. 她一听说自己考试不及格就失声大哭。

    She burst into tears when she learned her failure in the exam .

  23. “他的最近一次测验考得怎么样?”“不及格。”

    " how did he do on the last test ?"" he bombed . "

  24. 如果你这次考试不及格,就得重读一年。

    If you fail this exam , you 'll have to repeat a year .

  25. 应考者有十名不及格。

    Ten of the examinees were failed .

  26. 有些大学课程按及格或不及格打分。

    Some college courses are graded in terms of either a pass or a fail .

  27. 要是下次作业你再马马虎虎,我话说在头里,可要给你打不及格了。

    If you do such sloppy work again , I promise I 'll fail you .

  28. 他在重修不及格的科目。

    He is working off his conditions .

  29. 他考试不及格,但依我看,他并不太在乎。

    He failed in the examination but I don 't think he cares very much .

  30. 当孩子考试又不及格时,母亲感到毫无希望了。

    His mother flung up her hands in despair when the boy failed yet another examination .