
  • 网络operation and maintenance;DevOps;OPEX
  1. Q:你对看板方法有多满意?你是不是认为看板方法值得所有运维人员关注?

    Q : How happy are you with Kanban and do you think it 's worth a look for people in operations ?

  2. ITIL为IT组织提供了高质量运维的蓝图。

    ITIL provides IT organizations with a blueprint for high-quality operations .

  3. 基于WEBService的模糊IT运维量化管理模型

    Quantification Management Module of Fuzzy Information Services Work Based on Web Service

  4. 基于Internet的网络运维中心的设计与开发

    Design and Implement of Network Operation Center Based on Internet

  5. 基于SOA的网络运维支撑系统间集成架构设计

    Design of Network Operation Support System Integrated Architecture Based on SOA

  6. 可运维IP综合业务网的设计

    Building Workable and Maintainable IP Integrated Service Network

  7. 提出可运维IP综合业务网的概念及建设思路;

    To advance the concept and construction mentality of workable and maintainable IP integrated service network ;

  8. 基于CORBA的电信业基站运维管理系统

    An o & m management system for Telecom BS based on CORBA

  9. 北电ATM网络运维管理经验

    The management and maintenance experience of Nortel ATM networks

  10. 同时介绍了POOL网络下的日常维护操作,以及与传统网络相比在运维方面带来的新的变化。

    Meanwhile the daily maintenance is introduced while new changes in operation and maintenance are described compared to traditional network .

  11. 在现有的技术体系下,结合Java编程技术,建立了彩票运维管理系统模型。

    Furthermore , under the current technical system , it established a lottery management system which combining the technology of Java program .

  12. 基于javaEE的开放式校园网IT运维平台的研建

    The Study and Establishment of the Open Campus Network IT Operation Platform Based on Java EE

  13. 这些研究结论为GPRS网络的运维工作提供了非常有价值的数据指导。

    These studies provides a very high-value guidance of the GPRS operation and maintenance work .

  14. Q:在Spotify你为什么选择看板方法进行运维管理?

    Q : Why did you choose Kanban for managing operations at Spotify ?

  15. HP代管的服务器&一整套包括管理、监控和维护等功能的解决方案,客户无需担心系统的运维。

    HP Managed Server-a complete management , monitoring and maintenance solution so customers need not worry about the operating system .

  16. 3GPPLTE的运维新策略:自组织网络

    A Novel Operations and Maintenance Strategy for 3GPP LTE : Self-Organizing Networks

  17. ETL在电力生产运维分析系统中的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of ETL in Analyzing System of the Electric Power Production

  18. 另外一群将我们引入到敏捷运维的人来自于快速增长的Web2.0公司。

    The second thread leading to agile operations comes from fast growing Web2.0 companies .

  19. 企业CIO如何运维IT应用系统

    Enterprise CIO How to Operate and Maintain IT Application System

  20. 目前ID管理系统已经在银行数据中心投产,并在运维管理工作中发挥重要作用。

    ID management system currently has in the bank data center operation , and management of the operation and maintenance play an important role .

  21. 然后根据这个冲突,指出原有集中维护模式已不能适应SOA的运维,提出寻找新的运维流程和框架的想法,提出了面向SOA治理的想法。

    Then it points out the original centralization maintenance method is not suitable , and requires to find out new thoughts in operational process and framework .

  22. 此外,对开发、测试以及运维人员而言,web应用的移植与部署是一件枯燥乏味的任务,充满了重复的手工操作,低效、复杂且容易出错。

    Besides , for developers , testers and maintainers , the transplant and deploy of Web application is a boring task , which is full of repetitive manual operation , inefficient , complex and error-prone .

  23. 同时采用IP化的软交换架构提前启动建设3G,为3G经验积累,有利于培养运维队伍。

    At the same time , we can use IP-based soft-switch architecture build 3G ahead , summarize 3G working experience and help to train operation and maintenance team .

  24. 从工具开始讨论敏捷运维,就像是通过学习JUnit和Hudson来学习敏捷软件开发一样。

    Starting from the tools would be like learning agile software development by learning JUnit and Hudson .

  25. VMware还发布了SpringInsightOperations,这样运维团队就可以使用SpringInsight了&免费的性能可视化工具,Spring开发者应该会很熟悉该工具。

    VMware has also announced Spring Insight Operations , which it says allows operations teams to leverage Spring Insight , the free performance visualization tool familiar to Spring developers .

  26. 业务系统物理硬件资源不足时,通过资源池,实现相应的快速资源的动态调整,提高PC服务器运维管理水平。

    When business system physical hardware resources is shortage , the corresponding adjustment and the rapid resources through the resource pool will improve dynamic server operation and maintenance management level of the PC.

  27. 论文还基于AHP以及模糊综合评判的理论方法设计开发了集中运维点选择的决策系统,并进行了实例计算分析。

    The decision system is designed and developed based on the method and theory in this thesis . An example is given and the alternate project is calculated .

  28. 分析了IMS的安全体系和其所面临的安全风险,以及对接入设备的运维管理进行需求分析。

    Analysis the IMS security system and the security risks it faces , as well as operation and maintenance management of access equipment . 2 .

  29. 这些客户希望获得自管理IaaS的所有功能,但不太愿意自己完全负责运维工作。

    These customers seek all the capabilities of self-managed IaaS , but do not want to be entirely responsible for operations .

  30. 即要从运维的角度最大限度地保证现网的PHS核心网能够平滑升级过渡到NGN核心网,保证不影响现网PHS的正常运行。

    That is , from the perspective of operation and maintenance , to ensure PHS core network can be upgraded to NGN core network smoothly .