
  1. 设G是环R的自同构有限群,若R是局部环,则不动子环R~G也是局部环。

    Let G be a finite group of automorphisms of a ring R. If R is local , then the fixed subring R ~ G is local .

  2. 研究了具有不稳定子系统的非线性脉冲切换系统的ISS问题。

    Input-to-state stability of nonlinear impulsive switched systems with unstable subsystems is investigated .

  3. 该切换系统包括Schur稳定子系统与不稳定子系统。

    The switched system is composed of Schur stable and unstable subsys-tems .

  4. 采用平均驻留时间技术和分段Lyapunov函数方法,推导出平均驻留时间条件和稳定子系统与不稳定子系统间的激活时间比条件。

    An average dwell time method and piece-wise Lyapunov function method are adopted . The conditions of average dwell time and activation time ratio between stable subsystems and unstable subsystems are derived .

  5. 然而,对于不创建子进程的守护程序(并且这包括大多数内部守护程序软件),cfengine需要特殊帮助。

    For the non-forking daemons , however ( and this includes most in-house daemon software ), cfengine needs special help .

  6. 当最大不可控子网中有环时,控制律的求解变成了非线性整数规划(NIP)问题,而NIP问题的求解是非常困难的。

    When the maximal uncontrollable subnet is loop-in , the problem is a nonlinear integer program ( NIP ), which is difficult to be solved .

  7. RoCE不需要子网管理器,但应当在交换机上配置IP,这样RSCT/TSA就可以监控相关的网络资源。

    Subnet manager is not required for RoCE , but an IP should be configured on the switch so that RSCT / TSA can monitor the associated network resources .

  8. 但是,基于JVM的现代语言提供了一些额外的便利性,比如说开放类,它允许您重新打开已有类并向它们添加新的方法,而不需要子类化过程。

    However , modern languages on the JVM have other facilities , such as open classes , which allow you to reopen existing classes and add new methods to them without requiring subclassing .

  9. 当最大不可控子网是无环结构时,线性整数规划(LIP)是一种非常有效的在线求解控制律的方法。

    Secondly , for the Petri nets controller synthesis of DES , linear integer program ( LIP ) is an efficient technique for the on-line computation of the control policy when the maximal uncontrollable subnet is loop-free .

  10. 本文讨论了子阵级的数字波束形成(DBF)技术的特点,分析了产生栅零点和栅谱现象的原因,提出了克服栅零点的不均匀子阵划分法。

    This paper discusses the digital beamforming technology in subarray , analyses the cause of producing the grating nulls and grating spectrum , and presents a way to eliminate the grating nulls .

  11. 仿真结果表明:本方法可以十分有效地降低PAPR值,同时具有复杂度低、不受子载波数目影响的优点。

    The simulation results show that the proposed method can effectively reduce the PAPR value with a low degree of complexity , while the performance would not decrease with the increasing number of sub-carriers of the system .

  12. 但随着海水浓度的提高,HW-1的生长模式变化,贫瘠培养基中营养细胞不经过子实体的形成,直接形成粘孢子(5)。

    However , when the saltwater concentration is increased , the strain changes its living pattern by forming myxospores directly from vegetative cells ( 5 ) .

  13. 比如,有可能表示InvoiceType(Invoice编号的类型)不允许子类型化,任何人都不能定义新版本的InvoiceType。

    For example , it is possible to express that InvoiceType ( type of Invoice number ) cannot be subtyped , that is , no one can define a new version of InvoiceType .

  14. 本文主要研究基于平均停留时间的脉冲切换系统的指数稳定性,全文的主要内容概括如下:首先研究了连续切换系统在脉冲作用下的稳定性,切换系统包括Hurwitz稳定子系统和不稳定子系统。

    The main results of this paper are the following s : Firstly , the stability analysis for a class of continuous-time switched system with im-pulsive effect is studied . The switched system is composed of both Hurwitz stable and unstable subsystems .

  15. 随机播放当前目录下的音乐(不包含子目录)

    Play the present songs In the list ( subdirectory exclude )

  16. 不均匀子带长阶自适应声学回声抵消

    Long-Tap adaptive filtering in uneven subbands and application to acoustic echo cancellation

  17. 再说,我为什么成了巴特勒家族中的不肖子呢?

    Well , why am I the black sheep of the Butler family ?

  18. 只搜索指定目录,不搜索子目录。

    Search only the specified directory and exclude subdirectories .

  19. 另外,不相关子查询被转换成了相关子查询。

    In addition , the non-correlated sub-query has been transformed to a correlated sub-query .

  20. 这种导航器不支持子页面。

    This navigator does not support child pages .

  21. 虎毒不吃子。

    Vicious as a tigress can be , she never eats her own cubs .

  22. 映像不需要子系统。

    Image doesn 't require a subsystem .

  23. 不尊敬子的,就是不尊敬差子来的父。

    He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him .

  24. 如果您不打开子片段,那么就会有更少的模型载入到内存中。

    By not opening the subfragments , less of the model is loaded into memory .

  25. 注意:不支持子目录。

    Note : subfolders are not supported .

  26. 这个不肖子沉溺于酒色挥霍他父亲的财富在饮酒和赌博上。

    The foolish son dissipated his father 's fortune by spending it on drinking and gambling .

  27. 单用户的资源分配只涉及功率和比特的分配,不需要子载波的分配。

    Single user resource allocation do not need sub-carrier allocation , it only involves power and bit allocation .

  28. 含有不稳定子系统的定常中立型大系统C~1&稳定性判据

    The Stability of Constant Neutral Type Large Scale System which Contains Unstable Subsystem in C ~ 1 Space

  29. 使用了对超类的引用的方法必须能在不知道子类具体类型的情况下使用子类对象。

    Methods that use references to superclasses must be able to use objects of subclasses without knowing it .

  30. 由于不需要子菜单结构,因此菜单组件的菜单不是必需的。

    Since we do not need a submenu structure , a menu for the menu contribution is not required .