
  1. 其次,在农村,政府坚决地取消了农业税,减轻了农民的不合理负担。

    In rural areas , the government has abolished the agricultural taxes so as to ease the burdens on Chinese farmers .

  2. 合理负担、权利与义务对等原则;

    The principle of reasonable burden and equality between rights and duty ;

  3. 应参照外国税制,改革农业税,取消农民的不合理负担;

    The foreign tax system will be referred to reform the agricultural tax .

  4. 虽然经常提起不合理负担的申诉,但这些申诉要求极少成功。

    While claims of unreasonable burden are frequently made , they are rarely successful .

  5. 国家、集体、个人合理负担的筹资原则;

    The fund - raising principles of country , the collective , personal rational burden ;

  6. 发电企业在成为电力需求测管理直接受益者的同时,也应合理负担相应成本。

    While becoming the direct beneficiary of the DSM , the power generation enterprises ought to bare corresponding cost .

  7. 此请求的管理不应以给第三国成员带来不合理负担的方式进行。

    This requirement should be administered in such a way as not to impose an unreasonable burden on the third-country Member .

  8. 政府的财政应该放在合理负担即有钱出钱的原则上。

    Government finance should be based on the principle of equitable distribution of the economic burden , which means that those who have money should contribute money .

  9. 合理负担即实行“有钱者出钱”,但农民亦须供给一定限度的粮食与游击队。

    The equitable distribution of the financial burden means that " those with money should contribute money ", while the peasants should supply the guerrilla units with grain within certain limits .

  10. 第三,责任面前要合理负担。简言之,民事法律条文应是量化的公平的表现形式。

    Thirdly , the responsibilities should be borne reasonably by the parties concerned . Civil liability is a law responsibility the parties concerned assumes for violation of civil laws and statutes .

  11. 其次是要建立用人单位和职工个人合理负担医疗费用的机制,建立覆盖各类所有制单位和职工的基本医疗保险制度。

    Secondly , the system of reasonable sharing medical cost of employers and employees should be established . The basic medical insurance system should include units of different ownership and employees individual .

  12. 农民负担包括合理负担和不合理负担。农民负担过重的主要原因是不合理负担加重造成的,减轻农民负担的根本措施是取消不合理负担。

    Peasants ' burden includes reasonable and unreasonable burden , the overweight of the peasants'burden is caused by the unreasonable aspect , the measure to lighten the peasants'burden is to cancel the unreasonable burden .

  13. 从改革分配政策,提高思想认识,加强农业内部体制性调整等方面,提出了解决农民不合理负担问题的措施。

    Some countermeasures to solve these problems were put forth in these aspects , namely , in reforming the policies in distribution , in improving the recognition in thinking and in strengthening the systematic adjustment in agriculture .

  14. 保护生产力的着眼点是为生产力的发展创造适宜的环境,主要表现为保护劳动者,保护环境和卸掉企业及生产者身上的不合理负担等。

    The key to the protection is to create proper circumstances for the development of productive forces by protecting the laborers , environment and unloading the unreasonable burdens that are borne by the enterprises and the laborers .

  15. 公务员退休金制度的核心是退休金的筹集与发放制度,我国迫切需要进行此项制度的改革,理由是:平衡国家与公务员的合理负担的迫切需要;

    The core of the public official pension system is to raise and issue the pension , now our country urgently need to reform this system . The first reason is the urgent demand of equilibrating the reasonable burden between the nation and the public official .

  16. NPPC的总法律顾问迈克尔·福米卡说,新法律给猪肉生产商带来了不合理的负担。

    Michael Formica , general counsel at the NPPC , says that the new law places an unreasonable burden on pork producers .

  17. 因为这些改变,乡村府宅和大型乡间房邸的价格得以自由上涨,而家庭的数量却在萎缩或减退,这就使得维护费用成为了一种不合理的负担。

    Village mansions and large rural estates have been freed up by the changes , as families have shrunk or dissipated , making maintenance costs an unjustifiable burden .

  18. 结论:为控制药品费用过快上涨,减轻病人不合理药费负担,医疗机构药品采购应坚持政府主导的原则,并应出台相应配套政策。

    Conclusion : In order to limit the fast increase in drug price and reduce the patients ' expenses in drugs , the government should play a leading role in the purchase of pharmaceuticals and some integrated policies should be issued .

  19. 将增值税征税范围扩大至农村,保持其流转环节的完整,并通过税率优惠以及进项税补贴的措施逐步消除农民承担的不合理税收负担;其次是引入个人所得税。

    The actions include expanding the collection scope of VAT to countryside , keeping the integrity of the links in circulation chain , and gradually eliminating the unreasonable tax burden of farmers through tax rate preference and subsidy of VAT . Secondly , we should introduce individual income tax .

  20. 我们的大陆正忙于建设基础设施,保证合理的能源负担和教育本国民众。

    Our continent is in a hurry to build infrastructure , ensure affordable energy and educate our people .

  21. 目前林业税收制度不尽合理、税费负担过重问题,是制约林业可持续发展、阻碍林业经济体制改革的一个重要因素。

    Currently the irrational reform of taxation and over burden of taxation are the key barriers of limiting the Forestry Industry sustainable development and blocking the Forestry Economic reform .

  22. 首先,学生必须承担一定的合理的课业负担,这既是学生自身发展的需要,也是中国教育、中国社会发展的需要。

    First , the students must bear some reasonable homework burden , which is the students their own development needs , as well as the Chinese education and Chinese social development needs .

  23. 课业负担是学校教育中的特有现象,合理的课业负担会促进学生健康的发展,而过重的课业负担对教学无益又有损于学生的身心健康。

    Schoolwork burden is a special phenomenon , which will encourage students to develop when it is appropriate , and when it is excessive will be harmful to students and useless to education .

  24. 运动损伤发生的主要原因依次为技术应用不当、身体素质差、身体疲劳、准备活动不合理和局部负担过重。

    The main causes of Sports Injuries are inappropriate unseeing technology , poor physical fitness , fatigue , prepared activities unreasonable and overloading training on the body local parts . Countermeasures : 1 .

  25. 税收筹划指纳税人或其代理机构在遵守税收法律法规的前提下,通过对企业或个人涉税事项的事先安排,对各个涉税环节统筹规划和控制,实现合理减轻税收负担目的的一种自主理财行为。

    Tax planning is a self-management behavior which taxpayers or their agencies arrange the refers to the tax-related matters , plan and control the various tax-related aspects in the premise of complying with tax laws and regulations .

  26. 税收筹划就是指纳税人在不违反国家有关法律法规的前提下,对企业的各项经济活动进行事先谋划和决策,以合理降低税收负担。

    Tax planning refers to the taxpayer is not in violation of relevant state laws and regulations , under the premise of the enterprise , the each economy activity undertakes beforehand plan and decision , to reduce the tax burden .

  27. 通过对这课题的研究,以期达到:一是建立统一适用科学的缓刑规则,规范缓刑适用条件,发挥缓刑制度的作用。二是规定科学合理的缓刑负担内容,使缓刑犯能真正回归社会。

    Based on this topic research , in order to establish a unified applicable science is suspended , regulating the probation rules applicable conditions , the role play system . 2 is scientific and reasonable probation burden contents , making the probation can truly to return the society .

  28. 完善教练员奖励制度,合理分工,减轻负担,充分调动积极性。

    Improve the awarding system of the coaches by assessing reasonably and reducing their work load to activate their motivation .

  29. 博茨瓦纳的全体人民均能享受优质的卫生设施,包括在合理距离和可负担的费用范围内的预防性和治疗性服务。

    All Botswana will have access to good quality health facilities , including both preventive and curative services within reasonable travelling distance and affordable cost .

  30. 农民负担问题的表面现象是农民负担过重,但实质在于农民负担体制的不合理上,农民负担沉重的原因在于农村公共分配秩序不规范;

    The superficiality of this problem is that farmers ' burden is too heavy , but the essence of it is the unreasonableness of the system about farmers ' burden .