
  • 网络Reagan;Ronald Reagan;regan
  1. 四是批判雷根将诉诸直觉的方式作为衡量道德原则的一个标准。

    The last one is the critique of the Regan who resorts to the intuitive way as a standard measure of moral principles .

  2. 雷根行政是在它的幼年方面。

    The Reagan administration was in its infancy .

  3. 真实的魅力&阅读布雷根兹美术馆

    The Magic Of the Real & Reading on the Bregenz Art Museum

  4. 叫克莱门和雷根斯,别弄那个屋顶了。

    Take Clemens and Rodriguez off of roofing .

  5. 晚上和格莱托同去雷根大街观看节日装饰。

    Last night they went to Regent Street with Gretel to see the decorations .

  6. 前总统尼克森到白宫向雷根总统致意。

    Ex-president Nixon visited the White House to pay his respects to President reagan .

  7. 美国90年代长达十年的经济繁荣,雷根政府打下的基础可以说是功不可没。

    Reagan 's government took ineffaceable credit for itself for the ten-year economic prosperity in1990 's.

  8. 当然我还把雷根杀了。

    After I kill count rugen .

  9. 希安西亚从加州大学洛杉矶分校罗纳德雷根医学中心出院,目前已被美国法警收押。

    Ciancia was released from Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center into the custody of the US marshal service .

  10. 报纸报导,雷根被声称的占星家“警告”说,的将有一个空间入侵到在1993年会有太空入侵。

    Newspapers report Reagan has been allegedly " warned " by astrologers that there will be a space invasion by1993 .

  11. 非人类中心主义是近代西方环境伦理思想的主流,主要包括以辛格、雷根为代表的动物解放/权利论;以施韦策、泰勒为代表的生物中心论;

    Anti-anthropocentrism is the main trend of the Western environmental ethics in modern times , including three schools of thoughts .

  12. 路透社高级执行主管克里斯托夫•普雷根称,各大新闻专线去年一直在增添人手。

    Christoph Pleitgen , a senior Reuters executive , says the big newswires have been staffing up in the past year .

  13. 在太平洋南部夸贾林环礁上的雷根试验基地的传感器指派任务是追踪卫星和观察任何非正常现象。

    Sensors at the Reagan Test Site on Kwajalein atoll in the South Pacific were tasked with tracking the satellites and observing any unusual phenomena .

  14. 施托夫雷根使用了一块测力板和一台带压力传感器的体重秤,以每秒多达200次的速率测算身体的动作。

    Dr. Stoffregen uses a force plate , a glorified bathroom scale with pressure sensors , to take measurements of body movement as often as 200 times a second .

  15. 有关价值的随意方向。你会采纳你欣赏的人(如雷根总统)价值或是会走另一个方向?

    Question of causal direction on values . Do you adopt the values of the people you like ( such as Reagan ) or does the arrow go the other way ?