
jiàn jiē zhènɡ fàn
  • indirect guilt;indirect principal
  1. 同时对涉及间接正犯的相关问题进行了研究。

    Meanwhile , it studies the related issues of indirect guilt .

  2. 论身份犯的间接正犯

    Studying on Indirect Guilt of Status Crime

  3. 论间接正犯概念的扩张&正犯后正犯

    On the Expansion of Indirect Principal Offender : Utilizer of Principal

  4. 三个部分力图涵盖间接正犯所有的可能存在的情况。

    The three parts attempt to contain all the imaginable situations .

  5. 论被利用者的行为构成犯罪与间接正犯的成立

    On the criminal conduct of semi-innocent agent and constitution of indirect-enterprise

  6. 其次,笔者论证了间接正犯的实行行为。

    Then the writer discusses the executive behavior of indirect principal .

  7. 笔者认为只有间接正犯中的行为者才有资格被称为间接正犯的犯罪主体,可以是负有刑事责任能力的自然人和单位。

    The subjective of indirect criminal are natural persons and unites .

  8. 第三部分,间接正犯的概念与构成特征研究。

    Part III : The conception and constitution features of Indirect Offence .

  9. 间接正犯类型及认定问题研究

    On the Issues for the Types and Determination of Indirect Principal Offender

  10. 首先,对间接正犯的概念及其基本特征进行了论述。

    First , discuss the concept of indirect principal and its characteristic .

  11. 间接正犯的成立范围与认定研究

    Research on the Scope and Determination of Indirect Principal Offender

  12. 间接正犯之错误探析

    Analysis on the Mistake of the Indirect Principal Offender

  13. 间接正犯的行为是主客观结构的统一体。

    The act by indirect principal is the subjective and objective structure entity .

  14. 间接正犯特征探微

    Research on the Features of Indirect Principal Offender

  15. 论利用他人的过失和合法行为犯罪的间接正犯

    On the Indirect Criminals by utilization of Negligent Act and Legal Act of Others

  16. 第三部分:间接正犯行为的内在关系。

    Part Three : The intrinsic relations in the act of the indirect principal .

  17. 间接正犯独立的理论地位决定必须从间接正犯本身出发去研究间接正犯的正犯性。

    Hence , the concept of indirect principal has its own independent theoretical status .

  18. 间接正犯概念之分析

    Analysis on the Concept of Indirect Criminal

  19. 论刑法的平等、公正观间接正犯的实行行为研究

    On Equality 、 Justice of Criminal Law On the Perpetrating Act by the Indirect Criminal

  20. 间接正犯若干问题研究

    Study on Several Issues of Indirect Principal

  21. 运用间接正犯理论说明岳峰构成诈骗罪。

    Still have a kind of indirect theory suggested using Yue Feng constitutes of fraud .

  22. 【摘要】间接正犯是共同犯罪中的一个重要问题。

    The conception of indirect accomplice is an important issue in the theory of joint offence .

  23. 而间接正犯在我国刑法中则是一个相对年轻的理论范畴。

    While the indirect principal in Criminal law of China is a relatively young theory category .

  24. 间接正犯研究

    A Study on the Indirect Offence

  25. 第二部分间接正犯的理论及立法沿革。

    Part ⅱ This part covers the theory of the indirect offence and its legislative evolvement .

  26. 间接正犯问题研究

    The Research on Indirect Principal

  27. 论间接正犯

    The Discussion Of Indirect Offence

  28. 论间接正犯的成立范围&以中国立法和司法为视角

    On the Range of Existence of Indirect Criminal & from the Chinese angle of lawmaking and judicatory

  29. 在共犯从属性说影响下,间接正犯的概念则被提出。

    The concept of indirect perpetrator was raised under the influence of the theory of accomplice dependence .

  30. 其次,间接正犯行为中能够体现其特质的是控制关系。

    Next , in the indirect principal offender behavior can manifest its special characteristic controls the relations .