
  • 网络interstitial fluid
  1. 本研究观察了实验性隐睾与去垂体大鼠的血清、睾丸与间质液中抑制素水平与血清中FSH的水平。

    In this study we observed inhibin levels of serum , testis and interstitial fluid and serum FSH level after cryptorchidism or hypophysectomy in rats .

  2. 上述一个或几个因素可使间质液容量增加。

    One or more of these factors can act to increase interstitial fluid volume .

  3. 方法:大鼠给予不同剂量的十一酸睾酮(TU)后测定大鼠血清、睾丸间质液和睾网液内睾酮水平,以及附睾精子的数量、活力,以观察二者之间关系。

    [ WT5HX ] Methods : Testosterone levels were in serum , interstitial fluid ( IF ) and rete testis fluid ( RIF ) and the sperm density , motility in rats after given different doses of TU.

  4. 结论尽早实施血液灌流不仅能减轻对肺组织的损伤,还能够促进肺泡或肺间质渗出液的吸收,减少肺纤维化的形成。

    Conclusion Performing HP as soon as possible can not only ameliorate the pulmonary injury but also promote the absorption of vesicle and interstitial exudates , decelerate the formation of pulmonary fibrosis .

  5. 跨血管壁和间质内组织液流动遵循Starling定律和Darcy定律。

    Intracapillary flow is governed by Navier-Stokes equations , transcapillary and interstitial fluid flow are described by Starling 's law and Darcy 's law respectively .

  6. R2表现自发放电活动,在肾缺血以及肾间质、肾盂液化学成分改变时活化。

    R2 chemoreceptors are spontaneous active . In addition to being activated by ischemia , it can be activated by alterations in the composition of the interstitial or pelvic fluid environment .

  7. 方法将幼儿骨膜分离培养后获得的骨膜间质干细胞悬液,移植于裸小鼠两侧背部皮下及老年股骨颈骨折处,观察并验证新骨形成。

    Methods Suspension of PMSC which obtained from cell culture of periosteal segments in vitro were injected into the backs of nude mice subcutaneously , and the fracture site of neck of femur in old person .