
  1. 显然他们想去吃薄饼…

    Apparently , they were going to get pancakes ...

  2. 最喜欢的食物:薄饼和蛋糕:我不吃薄饼或蛋糕,别问我食物的问题啦,最近在为《龙珠》锻炼。食物不好!喝水好!

    Favorites : Pie and cake : I don 't eat pie or cake , stop asking me about food . I 'm in training for " Dragon Ball " food is bad ! Water is good !

  3. 这天,他们想吃多少薄饼就能吃多少薄饼,所有的薄饼上面都抹上了糖浆、柠檬、糖或是草莓酱。

    It is on thisday they get to eat as many pancakes as they want - all smothered with syrup , or lemon and sugar , or strawberry sauce .

  4. 生日当天可以吃到免费薄饼

    where we can get free pancakes on your birthday .

  5. 那里,在厨房铺着报纸的桌子上,确切地说有数百个他最喜欢吃的巧克力小薄饼。

    there , spread out upon newspapers on the kitchen table were literally hundreds of his favorite chocolate chip cookies .

  6. 如果不是因为承受着临死的痛苦,老人会认为自己到了天堂。那里,在厨房铺着报纸的桌子上,确切地说有数百个他最喜欢吃的巧克力小薄饼。

    Were it not for death 's agony , he would have thought himself already in heaven : there , spread out upon newspapers on the kitchen table were literally hundreds of his favorite chocolate chip cookies .