
zǒu ɡuānɡ
  • be exposed to light;be completely deserted;entirely walk away
  1. 现在,wardrobemalfunction常用作指代因穿衣不当(尤指演员)或演员更换演出服时导致身体部位外露的意外“走光事件”的委婉表达。

    It is now used as a euphemism referring to an accidental instance of indecent exposure caused by a fault in someone 's clothing ( especially that of a performer ) or by an error made while changing this costume .

  2. 乍一看开叉裙,好像是穿错了衣服:步伐迈得过大,你的大腿就走光了。然而今年夏天,开叉裙却成了大热的时尚单品,柔软的古铜色美腿通过裙上那一个精致的开口绽放美丽。

    At first glance , the split skirt sounds like a wardrobe malfunction , bronzed legs can break out .

  3. 前任TOMS总裁劳伦特?波德万前来接任首席执行官,我们建议他别让顾客再走光了——也别找“如果”、“而且”或“但是”这类的借口。

    As former TOMS presidentLaurent Potdevin takes over as CEO , we suggest he keep his customers completely covered -- no ifs , ands , or butts about it .

  4. 但是我们现在能做什么呢?学生们都走光了。

    But what can we do ? Students are dropping out .

  5. 这里的居民很久以前就都走光了。

    The population here had cleared out a long time ago .

  6. 噢,天哪,你的走光策略真是绝了。

    Oh , my god , your wardrobe malfunction idea was the best .

  7. 一天已经过去,寻欢作乐的人们差不多全走光了。

    The day was done , and the merrymakers had nearly all departed .

  8. 警察询问证人姓名时,人们很快走光了。

    The crowd quickly melted away when police asked for the names of witnesses .

  9. 如果你注意你的左边,你可以看到她走光了。

    If you look to your left , you can totally see her downstairs .

  10. 有些名人走光是意外之事,而另外的名人走光看上去则是纯属故意。

    Some celebrity wardrobe malfunctions were accidental while others look to be purely intentional .

  11. 我以为人都走光了,但还是有几个人没走。

    I thought everybody has already gone , but there are still few people anyhow .

  12. 别的客人都走光了他还不走。

    He sits out the other guests .

  13. 露露柠檬:别让顾客走光

    Lululemon : Keep your customers covered

  14. 迟早他的运气会走光的。他已经侥幸脱险好多次了。

    Sooner or later , his luck is going to run out . he 's had too many close calls .

  15. 但是这个乔治亚州小镇还不是唯一的地方,顺便说一下,站在自己立场上禁止内裤走光。

    But this Georgia town is not the only place , by the way , taking a stand on visible under pants .

  16. 在社区四处闲晃的年轻人裤子垂下来,内衣走光是非常无礼的。

    It 's very disrespectful for young men for going around in the community with their pants hanging down and their underwear shown .

  17. 模特凯特·莫斯参加在伦敦米尔班克大厦举办的由顶级珠宝设计师肖恩?利恩设计的“白光”钻石胸饰揭幕活动时,右侧腰部不慎走光。

    Model Kate Moss attends the unveiling of the ' White Light ' diamond brooch designed by Shaun Leane at Millbank Tower in London , England .

  18. 这对爱情鸟还为这个特殊场合请人专门设计了他们的结婚礼服。芬妮根穿的是多层的白色婚纱,她和福尔摩的礼服一样,下摆都要拖长些,以免不小心走光。

    Finnegan will wear a white gown and Fulmore will be in a tux with tapered tails to ensure their clothes don 't reveal too much .

  19. 这项调查显示,那些担心走光的人则比较喜欢选择呢格子布料做成的拳师型短裤。

    For those not brave enough to " go commando ", the survey found boxer shorts with a tartan design were the second most popular choice .

  20. 不过有一天她发现,自己6个月大的儿子光着小屁股学习用马桶的“走光”照被某一个陌生人收藏到“我的最爱”里了。

    But one day she found that a candid photo of her six-month old son receiving toilet training had been marked as'favorite'by someone she didn 't know .

  21. 芬妮根穿的是多层的白色婚纱,她和福尔摩的礼服一样,下摆都要拖长些,以免不小心走光。

    Finnegan will wear a multilayered white gown and Fulmore will be in a tux with tapered tails to ensure their clothes don 't reveal too much .

  22. 她说虽然玻璃台阶经过了磨砂处理,但是人们依然可以通过台阶的缝上看到女士走光。

    Lin said although the stairs were made of frosted glass , the men were still able to peer through the gaps to catch a glimpse of the female customers .

  23. 那时候,她一直在疯狂地绞尽脑汁思量着仪式结束后她是安静地坐在那等别人走光,还是跟着别人一起走出去。是不是要问问新生先要去哪里。

    Wildly she was racking her brain to decide whether she should sit still when the others left the room or follow , and ask some one where the Freshmen went first .

  24. 他们扛着440磅的钢索卷和其它工具进入电梯,直奔还未完成的最后10层,然后等到深夜所有人都走光。

    They got a four-hundred-and-forty-pound reel of cable and other equipment into the elevator , took it to the unfinished top ten floors , and waited till nightfall when everyone had gone .

  25. 诗歌成了“堂会式”的寂寥表演,观众走光了,剩下亲朋碍于面子在那里鼓掌,这不就是如今诗坛的现状吗?

    Poetry became " congregational " lonely show , the audience left , the remaining relatives due to the face where the applause , this is now the current situation of poetry ?

  26. 女王的服饰有些必须遵守的规则——鞋底必须两英尺,裙摆必须长过膝盖,并加重量以避免在大风情况下意外走光。

    There are rules that are always adhered to - the two-inch heel , the hemline below the knee , the hem weighed down to avoid undignified wardrobe mishaps in windy conditions .

  27. 礼仪专家梅卡·梅耶将这种坐姿称为“公爵夫人斜腿”,他对《人物》杂志说,凯特这种专业坐姿至关重要,可以避免在公众面前走光。

    It 's been labelled ' The Duchess Slant ' by etiquette expert Myka Meier who told People magazine that Kate 's go-to pose is crucial for not showing off too much during public appearances .

  28. 露露柠檬的创始人其普?威尔森并没有承担售出大量走光长裤的责任,反而说:“一些女士的身材只是不适合”公司的产品。

    Rather than take responsibility for selling a large quantity of see-through pants , Lululemon founder Chip Wilson said , " some women 's bodies just actually don 't work " with the brand 's clothes .

  29. 社交名媛卡戴珊8月份参加凯莉·詹娜的19岁生日聚会时,笨手笨脚从跑车出来的方式让她不小心走光太多了。

    As the socialite arrived at Kylie Jenner 's 19th birthday party in August she alighted her sports car in such a cack-handed ( cack-legged , I suppose ) way that meant that more was glimpsed than intended .

  30. 他们特别反对美国联邦通信委员会关于“短暂粗口”(偶尔出现的,在某些情况下,是脱口而出的粗口)和短暂走光的禁令,这两者都会招致巨额罚款。

    In particular , they object to the FCC 's rules about " fleeting expletives " ( isolated , and in many cases , unscripted swearing ) and brief glimpses of titillating body parts , which are subject to heavy fines .