
  • 网络Color synthesis;Color Combination;color composition
  1. 颜色合成是体绘制的重要组成部分,其中大量重复计算严重影响了绘制的实时性。

    Color composition is an important part in volume rendering , and its computation is very time-consuming .

  2. 交互体绘制中的快速颜色合成

    Rapid Color Composition in Interactive Volume Rendering

  3. 第五章中,基于孔雀尾羽二维光子晶体结构模型,继续深入的研究了棕色的构成机理以及各种结构变化因素对颜色合成的影响。

    In the fifth chapter , base on the two-dimensional photonic crystals structure on the peacock tail feathers , we studied the mechanism of the brown color on the eye pattern in details .

  4. 利用Photoshop混合颜色带合成图像的方法探索

    Method of Image Composition Using Photoshop Blend

  5. 利用变量对应点之间的Manhattan距离调控几何纹理的形成过程和纹理合成过程,可较好地对局部颜色纹理合成和几何纹理形成的连贯性变化进行调控。

    The forming procedure of geometrical texture and synthesizing procedure of local color texture are manipulated by the Manhattan distance between two points , which is fairly good at achieving coherent change .

  6. 彩色图像中的每个像素由三种颜色分量合成而表示,且每种分量可以被视为一幅灰度图像。

    A color image can be decomposed into three primary components and each one can be seen as a gray image .

  7. 该方法将带图案的屏幕处理为纯白色屏幕和颜色调制器的合成。

    The patterned screen is treated as the combination of a perfect white screen and a color modulator .

  8. 作者首先给出了它们的定义,指出只要灵活应用视角通道就可以拍摄出许多光怪陆离的全息图片,诸如双通道、左右通道、颜色通道、合成全息等等。

    First , this paper gives the definition of viewing angle and viewing passageway for holography , and points out that the various holograms can be taken for different viewing angle passageway , such as double passageway , left right passageway , color passageway , synthetic hologram et al .

  9. 为提高算法效率,算法在合成阶段采用预积分技术,从而加速采样点的颜色转换和像素合成。

    To improve the efficiency , the algorithm used pre-integration techniques in the synthesis stage , thus speeding up the sampling point conversion and pixel color synthesis .

  10. 下面一幅高清图片是由信使号广角相机所拍摄的三种颜色下的照片合成的,但颜色已做增强处理,否则在肉眼看来,水星表面颜色会相对太淡。

    This sharp imagecombines three of the MESSENGER wide angle camera 's colors , but in exaggerated fashion . Otherwise , to the unaided human eye , Mercury 's surface colors would appear comparatively muted .