
  • 网络color change;color variance;Color Variability
  1. 同时,CK显示MI组梗死部位的心内膜在收缩或舒张期的颜色变化与对照组不同,彩色位移明显减少。

    In the meantime , we found that the color change of the regional endocardium of infarct wall was different from normal ones and color displacement lessened remarkably .

  2. 在聚乙烯醇存在下,溶液保持清亮并发生显著的颜色变化,当以试剂空白参比时,波峰λmax位于585nm处。

    In the presence of polyvinyl alcohol the solution was transparent and a distinct color change occurred . The ε max and λ min of the absorption spectrum are at 585 nm and 525 nm against reagent blank , respectively .

  3. 食用油酸败所产生的游离脂肪酸与试纸上的pH指示剂发生反应,试纸的颜色变化反映了食用油的酸价变化。

    The free fat acid results from edible oil can react with pH indicator contained in test strip .

  4. 不同pH值对冬枣色素的颜色变化及稳定性有一定的影响。

    Different pH had effect on the colour change and stability of red pigment of winter jujube peel .

  5. 叶绿素a和b含量却逐渐降低,与外植体的颜色变化相符。

    The content of chlorophyll a and b decreased as explant turned black , in accordance with the colour change of explant .

  6. 基于文字RGB颜色变化的脆弱型文本数字水印技术

    A New Fragile Text Watermarking Technique Based on Change in Font RGB Color

  7. 当渐变色随着填充颜色变化而发生变化时(渐变色变得更深),渐变色本身就是设计的一部分,并且不是分配给State的外观定义。

    While gradient colors change as fill color changes ( gradient colors are darker ), gradient itself is a part of the design and not the definition of the appearance that is assigned to State .

  8. LED光源色彩变化性大,可做单一色彩或利用电子调控器做多种渐层颜色变化,丰富企业招牌可看性及可读性。

    LED light source color changes in nature , can be a single color or by the electronic controller to do all sorts of gradient color change , rich enterprise signs can look and readability .

  9. 在本实验研究中,多样性指标指数Shannon(H)能灵敏而有效地指示污染环境的微生物学变化,但群落丰富度指标颜色变化孔数(S)提供的信息较片面。

    Shannon index ( H ) was more sensitive than the index of microbial community richness ( S ) to show the ( microbiological ) change in contaminated environment .

  10. 钎料在液态下的表面颜色变化以及热重分析表明,Al、Cr能明显改善Sn-Zn基钎料的抗氧化性能。

    The results of changes of solders ? surface color at high temperature and TGA show that adding Al and Cr can significantly improve the oxidation resistance of Sn-Zn based Lead-free solder .

  11. 用HMO方法研究硝基苯酚系列指示剂的颜色变化及电离常数

    Studies on the colour change and the ionization equilibrium constant of nitrophenol indicators with h ü ckel molecular orbital method

  12. 以硫代乙酰胺(TAA)为沉淀剂,对铜锡组硫化物颜色变化与反应条件的关系进行了探讨。

    This paper has a research on the relationship between the change of color of Cu-Sn sulphide and the reaction condition with TAA as sedimentation agent instead of sulphur .

  13. 演替15年土壤微生物的平均颜色变化率(AWCD)和多样性指数(Shannon多样性指数和McIntosh指数)显著低于其余演替时间土壤。

    Average well color development ( AWCD ) and diversity indices ( Shannon index and McIntosh index ) of 15-y soil was significant lower than others .

  14. 该技术主要是运用CCD摄像机与计算机组成的图像采集与处理系统,利用涂料发生相变的颜色变化信息,测定高超声速流场中模型表面气动加热的特性参数和热流分布情况。

    Using the color changing information of phase change paint , this technique mainly applies an image capturing and processing system which consists of a CCD video camera and a computer to measure the characteristic parameter and the heat transfer rate of model surface in hypersonic flow .

  15. 研究了γ-辐照PP和TPU的颜色变化、凝胶含量、力学性能、熔体流动速率及γ-辐照TPU溶液的相对粘度。

    The color change , the gel content , the mechanical properties and MFR of the γ - radiated PP and TPU under the different radiation dose were investigated . The relative viscosity of the γ - radiated TPU solution was studied .

  16. 采用CIELAB表色系统研究了采收期、降温方法和套袋等处理对鸭梨采后果皮颜色变化的影响。

    The effect of maturity , cooling method and bagging on the color changes of Yali pear after harvest using CIELAB color variables were studied .

  17. 用MTB-XO-CPB为混合指示剂,终点颜色变化敏锐,一般常见金属离子均不干扰。

    Using MTB-XO-CPB as mixed indicator , the end-point changed sensitively , and the common metallic ions did not interfere .

  18. 方法将SSED加入不同标准铁溶液,用紫外分光光度法于550nm处测其吸收度A值反映样品颜色变化,旋光法测定旋光度并计算相对百分含量,同时观察性状外观。

    Methods Adding the SSED into different volume of iron solution , the absorption value A and specific rotation were measured by means of ultraviolet spectrophotometry and polarimetry ;

  19. 剥离的白色幼虫表皮组织在不同条件下培养,进一步研究TmTH在表皮黑化过程中作用,48h后倒置显微镜下观察表皮颜色变化。

    In order to deeply research the function of TmTH in epidermis melanization , white epidermis was dissected from larvae and was cultured 48h in different conditions , then observed the changes of cuticle color by inverted microscope .

  20. 吲哚美辛片在500nm处,胃友片在430nm处,用UV-300型分光光度计分别测出其反射率,从而找出它们的颜色变化规律。

    The reflectance of indomethacin and vitamin U was determinated by using UV-300 spectrophotometer at 500 nm and 430 nm respectively , and the pattern of color change may be found out by this method .

  21. 种皮和胚的颜色变化过程中具有一定的相关性,种皮开始变色时间比胚早2-3d。

    There was , to some extent , some relevance between episperm and the colour of embryo , and the time of changing colour of episperm is 2-3 earlier than that of embryo .

  22. 碳源平均颜色变化率(AWCD法)和微生物代谢多样性指数(丰富度和多样性)在5种植被类型的土壤中也有明显差异,其趋势与微生物量碳、细菌数量基本相同;

    In BIOLOG assays , the average well colour development ( AWCD ) and the richness and diversity indices indicated the differences of microbial metabolic diversity . The variation tendency of the indices was the same as that of microbial biomass and bacterial amount .

  23. 颗粒剂颜色变化为指标182天。

    182 day for the indexes of the granules color measurement .

  24. 肉的颜色变化机理及肉色稳定性因素研究进展

    Advance in research on fleshcolor transformation mechanism and its stability factors

  25. 去皮工艺对菠萝浓缩汁颜色变化的影响

    The influence of peeling on the colour of pineapple juice concentrate

  26. 甲基橙做指示剂的酸碱滴定实验操作的几点改进终点时颜色变化非常敏锐,是一种优于酚酞、甲基橙的指示剂。

    At the end of the titration the colour changes sharply .

  27. 浓缩苹果清汁在贮藏过程中的颜色变化动力学

    Colour Changing Kinetics of Concentrated Apple Clear Juice during Storing Period

  28. 在模拟户内环境下聚苯乙烯颜色变化的老化模型及预估

    Weathering Model and Prediction of Polystyrene Color-difference under Simulated Indoor Environment

  29. 青花菜贮藏期间颜色变化动力学模型的建立

    Modeling of the kinetics of color change of broccoli during storage

  30. 荣昌烤乳猪工艺优化及其颜色变化研究

    Study on the Improving Technology of Roast Pig and the Color Changes