
wēn xīn
  • warm;soft and sweet
温馨 [wēn xīn]
  • [gentle and fragrant; warm;be softly fragrant] 温柔甜美;温暖馨香

  • 温馨的春夜

  1. 推荐语:一只小狗和两个MM搞笑又不失温馨的生活日记!

    Recommended language : a dog and two MM and yet warm comedy diary of life !

  2. 新元PVC折叠门为您创造优雅,舒适,温馨空间,为您开启方便之门!

    New PVC folding door for you to create elegant , comfortable , warm space , convenient ways for you to open !

  3. 这房间里有一种一直有人居住的温馨感觉。

    The room had a comfortable , lived-in feel about it .

  4. 谁会反对母性与家庭的温馨呢?

    Who could argue against motherhood and apple pie ?

  5. 厨房又温暖又亲切温馨。

    The kitchen was warm and blessedly familiar .

  6. 这是一部温馨的爱情喜剧,非常值得一看。

    It is a lovely romantic comedy , well worth seeing .

  7. 陶瓦地板使这个地方给人一种非常舒适温馨的感觉。

    The terracotta tiled floor gives the place a wonderfully homely character .

  8. 苏格兰烘烤食品简单、温馨,吃起来十分美味可口。

    Scottish baking is homely , comforting and truly good .

  9. 在温馨的诊疗室里,孩子们周围摆满了亲切熟悉的东西。

    In the cosy consulting room the children are surrounded by familiar objects .

  10. 这个咖啡馆很温馨,但又有一种时尚的氛围。

    The cafe has an intimate but buzzy atmosphere .

  11. 我今年想过一个温馨、愉快并且绝对健康的圣诞节。

    My mood this year is for a cosy , nice and thoroughly wholesome Christmas .

  12. 她一改朴素简约的装饰风格,将自己家里布置得温暖舒适,色彩温馨。

    In her own home , she replaced austere minimalism with cosy warmth and colour .

  13. 楼下有一个早餐间,宾客们可以在温馨的酒吧间休息一下。

    Downstairs there 's a breakfast room and guests can relax in the cosy bar .

  14. 我们大多数人都想把自己的家装饰成一个温馨的地方,并在墙上展示自己的个性。

    Most of us want to make our home a familiar place and put the stamp of our personality on its walls .

  15. 意识到自己的所作所为后他马上就道歉了,而且还给我写了一张温馨的小条儿。

    He apologised as soon as he realised what he had done . In actual fact he wrote a nice little note to me

  16. 这个故事有一个圆满的结局——小男孩找到了他真正的父母和一个温馨的家。

    The story has a happy ending --- the young boy finds his real parents and a lowing home .

  17. 对于我来说,只要我俩在一起,任何地方都像是一个温馨的家。

    Everywhere we are together is a home from home for me .

  18. 你很幸运有一个温馨的家庭。

    You 're very lucky to have a caring family .

  19. 温馨提示:咀嚼时手里不要拿任何东西。

    Tip : Don 't hold anything in your hands while you 're chewing .

  20. 晚上又沐浴着温馨柔和的夜色。

    The melting tenderness of night .

  21. 没有什么比和好友围坐在桌旁,一同享用奶酪火锅更温馨惬意的事情了。

    Nothing is more comforting than sitting round the table with good friends , sharing a cheese fondue .

  22. 中国四川成都洛带古镇电子导游软件,独具风格的手绘地图,精细透彻的语音讲解,GPS导游,温馨的旅游提示。

    Chengdu , Sichuan , China Luodai Town electronic guide software , unique style of hand-drawn map , detailed and thorough explanation of voice , GPS guides , travel tips warm .

  23. 为了于四岁的孙女“比赛种花”&这个温馨的有缘,48岁的Eve在花园中洒下了不少种子,结果却“无心插柳柳成荫”的长出了这一株庞然大物。

    Eve , 48 , had sown a handful of seeds as part of a light-hearted competition with her four-year-old granddaughter , and planted this one as a spare .

  24. Koala是个温馨的酒吧,为您带来廉价的啤酒、好音乐和世界各地的朋友们。

    Koala is a cozy neighborhood bar with cheap beers , good music and friends from the world over .

  25. 带上您的家人,来外滩中心CJW享受温馨的家庭聚会

    Come with your family to enjoy a specially prepared Dinner at CJW Bund Center

  26. 以舒适温馨的就医环境、卓越领先的医疗技术、诚信平价的收费机制为广大女性的jiankang保驾护航。

    With comfortable warm medical environment , leading-edge medical technology , the good faith parity for the charge mechanism to escort the health of the women .

  27. 这家自诩美食荟萃(gastrothèque)的温馨咖啡店店主是乔迪•威廉姆斯(JodyWilliams),他2011年在格林尼治村(GreenwichVillage)开设了几乎一模一样的餐厅,而后意识到传统法式烹饪也可大飨巴黎的美食饕餮。

    Behind this cosy caf é billing itself as a " gastroth è que " is Jody Williams , who opened a nearly identical restaurant in Greenwich Village in 2011 before realising that Paris could also benefit from a dose of old-fashioned French cooking .

  28. 以HOMESTAY的形式,让旅游者在一个快乐、放心、安全、温馨的环境下进行旅游活动,从而会增加游客的逗留天数,从而给旅游业带来更多的收益。

    By home-stay , make the tourist feel joyful , reassured , safe , and warm . And then the tourist may stay for a longer time , and will bring more effects to the tourism .

  29. 在巴黎时装周期间,在东京宫(PalaisdeTokyo)展示该品牌历史的展览上,拉格菲尔德先生与阿格依奥女士再次重逢,这一时刻非常温馨,因为自从上世纪90年代离开Chloé,他跟她就失去了联系。

    During Paris Fashion Week , there was a sweet moment when Mr. Lagerfeld , who had lost touch with Ms. Aghion after he left Chlo é in the ' 90s , was reunited with her at an exhibition covering the history of the label at the Palais de Tokyo .

  30. MAYCI汽车香水为你创造的是一种全新的自然、健康生活方式,让您享受纯净绿色科技带来的浪漫生活情趣和高雅温馨的生活品位。

    MAYCI car perfume is for you to create a new natural , healthy way of life , allowing you to enjoy the pure taste and elegant warmly living quality of life .