
xiǎn shì bǐ lì
  • display scale
  1. 无法将显示比例设置到最优。

    Unable to set the display scale to optimize .

  2. 关闭关节显示比例窗口。

    Close the Joint Display Scale window .

  3. 也可以显示比例子中更多的信息,只要修改GetXML代理程序并要求它提取并格式化更多的字段。

    You can also display more information than our simple example shows by enhancing the GetXML agent and instructing it to pull and format additional Person document fields .

  4. 在详细信息窗格内设置磁盘和磁盘区域的显示比例

    Set the display proportions for the disks and disk regions in the Details pane

  5. 打开您希望以特定显示比例设置保存的文档或模板。

    Open the document or template that you want to save with a particular zoom setting .

  6. 人家拿旅游的照片给你看,你问照片上人的显示比例是多少。

    When you 're being shown pictures of a trip , you ask what the human scale is .

  7. 如果需要更多空间以在属性表中键入值,请按Shift+F2打开显示比例框。

    If you need more room to type a value in the property sheet , press SHIFT + F2 to open the Zoom box .

  8. 该App会制作一个显示男女比例的饼状图,可以直接在Twitter或Facebook上发布。

    The app creates a pie chart showing the ratio of men to women , which can be posted instantly on Twitter or Facebook .

  9. 在移植后不同时间,当染色体分析100%XX或100%XY结果,同步的bcr/AblmRNA基因持续阴性时,FISH可显示不同比例的供者源性染色体。

    When traditional karyotypes showed as 100 % XX or 100 % XY invariably , while bcr / abl mRNA gene express continuously negative , FISH showed different percentage of donor original sex chromosome .

  10. 一次佩尤调查显示相同比例(66%)的美国人和以色列人信奉“先发制人”。

    Pew survey found that the same proportion of Americans and Israelis believe in the use of preemptive force : 66 % .

  11. 一个国家医疗保障水平表明其卫生费用投入总量与GDP之间的关系。实证分析与通过比较表明,我国卫生费用投入结构发生了很大变化,显示政府投入比例下降,个人投入比例上升;

    The analyzes of real data shows that China 's health expense structural changed with the proportion of government investment dropping and individual expenses proportion rising .

  12. dealogic数据显示,这个比例比过去15年中的任何时候都要高。

    That is more than at any time in the past 15 years , according to Dealogic .

  13. 看来我们好像没办法,显示结果的比例,但看起来大部分人,都能得到正确的结果,那就是H2是受限制的反应物2,看来现在我们还没搞明白。

    All right , so it looks like we weren 't showing the percentages here , but it looks like hopefully most of you were able to get the correct answer of H2 being the limiting reactant .

  14. 用于自动显示页面的比例。

    Use to automatically display the scale of the page .

  15. 细胞周期显示G0/G1期比例增加(58.41±0.94)%。

    Cell cycle reflected G0 / G1 increase ( 58.41 ± 0.94 ) % .

  16. 这些结果显示更高比例的患者能够获得保喉。

    These results suggest that larynx preservation could be achieved for a higher proportion of patients .

  17. 拖到绘图页后,可以显示绘图的比例。更改比例时形状将更新。

    Drag onto the page to show scale of drawing . Shape updates when you change the scale .

  18. 据统计数据显示,相当比例的软件安全问题出现在软件需求阶段。

    Recently the statistical data has shown that a considerable proportion of the security problems are caused in software requirement phase .

  19. 不过,对17万家工厂进行的6月份调查显示,停产比例已经降低到了7.2%。

    the latest official update , which looked at 170000 factories , found that proportion had shrunk to 7.2 % in June .

  20. 一项对北欧国家上市企业高管的性别分析显示,女性比例呈现下降趋势。

    A breakdown of the senior management of public companies in the Nordic countries by gender shows a declining trend for female participation .

  21. 多立克柱式就是在建筑物上显示男子身体比例,来显示刚劲和力量。

    Doric order refers to show the boy proportion of the male in the building , so as to express the fortitude and power .

  22. 这些对比显示具有黄金比例的原始真雕刻图片可以活化特殊皮质神经元及岛叶(调节情感的结构)。

    The images judged to be beautiful selectively activated the right amygdala , a structure that responds tolearned incoming information laden with emotional value .

  23. 细胞周期分析显示G0+G1的比例为88.4%,S+G2+M的比例为11.6%。

    The cell cycle analysis showed that the percentages of G0 + G1 and S + G2 + M phases were 88.4 % , 11.6 % , respectively .

  24. 模块接口主要实现对压力信号和转镜转速信号的接收、当前输出端压力的显示、电气比例阀压力数据和电磁阀控制信号的输出。

    Interface modules were used to implement the reception of the pressure signal and rotating mirror speed signal , the display of current output pressure , the output of pressure data for electric proportion valves and control signals for solenoid valves .

  25. 动态力学和DSC结果显示,随着PB比例的增大,共混物的玻璃化温度逐渐减小,共混物的热稳定性逐渐变差。

    DMA and DSC results showed that with PB ratio increasing , glass transition temperature of blends is diminishing , thermal stability of blends gradually poor .

  26. 色差分析、质构测定、综合感官评定的指标显示:添加适当比例的AOB对产品原有的色泽、风味和口感无不良影响,在一定程度上还能增加产品的保水性。

    Chromaticity analysis , texture measurement and sensory evaluation displayed that AOB addition in proper amount had no great influence on its original colors flavour and mouth feel , and could increase the water retentivity of the products in some level .

  27. 神圣专注现在在鼠标提示中显示出正确的比例。

    Holy Concentration now has correct percentages listed in the tooltip .

  28. 而台湾民调显示,这一比例低于10%。

    Taiwanese opinion polls put the figure at below 10 per cent .

  29. 微机屏幕显示图形中的比例及裁剪

    Scaling and Clipping of Graphics in Screen with Microcomputer

  30. 而今年2月,他的样本显示,这一比例仅为15%。

    His sample showed the proportion to be 15 per cent in February .