
  • 网络anastomosis of tube;tubal anastomosis;tubal reanastomosis
  1. 改良腹腔镜输卵管吻合术在基层医院的临床应用

    Clinical appliance of modified laparoscopic anastomosis of tube in grass-roots hospital

  2. 影响输卵管吻合术成功因素的分析

    Analysis of influencing factors in the success of fallopian tube anastomosis

  3. 方法采用显微外科技术进行输卵管吻合术。

    Methods Use microscope surgical technology to carry out the oviduct anastomosis .

  4. 输卵管吻合术的探讨(附140例报告)

    An Approach to Salpingostomy ( with a Report of 140 Cases )

  5. 经腹直视下输卵管吻合术85例临床分析

    The Clinical Characteristics of Fallopian Tube Anastomosis in 85 Cases

  6. 输卵管吻合术58例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 58 cases of salpingo & salpingostomy

  7. 输卵管吻合术后四十二天妊娠一例分析

    Analysis on 1 case of pregnancy after oviduct inosculation operation in 42 days

  8. 显微外科输卵管吻合术46例疗效观察

    The curative effect in salpingostomy by microsurgery

  9. 输卵管吻合术受术者的护理156例

    Nursing care of patients with tubectomy

  10. 输卵管吻合术是绝育术后输卵管再通的主要方法。

    The oviduct inosculation operation was a primary method that oviduct was connected again after sterilization operation .

  11. 输卵管吻合术后配合中药治疗临床观察钬激光在泌尿系结石手术中的应用与配合

    Effect of salpingo-salpingostomy combined with treatment by Chinese herbal drugs Application of Holmium in Treatment of Urolith and Operation Matching

  12. 本实用新型是一种医疗器械,特别是一种输卵管吻合术测试支架。

    The utility model relates to a medical appliance , in particular to a detection rack for anastomosis of fallopian tube .

  13. 输尿管镜下钬激光治疗合并息肉的输尿管结石输卵管吻合术后配合中药治疗临床观察

    Holmium laser lithotripsy treatment of ureteral calculi accompanied with polyps via ureteroscope Effect of salpingo-salpingostomy combined with treatment by Chinese herbal drugs

  14. 结果:156例输卵管吻合术的复通率为98.08%,3例通而不畅。

    Result : The first open liquides in 156 patients , the unobstruct rate was 98.08 % , there was 3 patient has obstruct .

  15. 不留支架输卵管直视吻合术277例报告

    Anastomosis of fallopian tube under direct vision without retaining stand : Report of 277 cases