
xīn diàn tú yí
  • electrocardiograph
  1. 本文介绍一种微机化胎儿心电图仪。

    A new microcomputerized Fetal Electrocardiograph ( FECG ) is presented in this paper .

  2. 心电图仪产生的心脏循环的图形记录。自动循环放射性气体色谱仪

    A graphical record of the cardiac cycle produced by an electrocardiograph . automated recycle radiogas chromatograph

  3. 基于Pspice仿真软件的心电图仪放大电路的优化设计

    Optimizing Design of Electrocardiogram Amplifying Circuit Based on Pspice

  4. 目的利用现有的常规心电图仪设计出一种能进行QRS波群参数测量的便携式液晶显示心电分析监护仪。

    Objective To design a portable cardiac monitor system based on the available ordinary ECG machine and works on the basis of QRS parameters .

  5. 结果表明:利用该方案研制的基于ARM的便携式动态心电图仪不仅可以快速检测心电图,而且能够同步检测人体实时运动强度,检测有效可靠。

    The results showed that : not only can quickly use the program developed by ARM-based dynamic ECG monitor the electrocardiogram , but also to the simultaneous detection of human real-time exercise intensity , effective and reliable detection .

  6. 应用Pspice软件快速、方便、精确地对心电图仪放大电路进行了优化设计,提高了电路的质量和可靠性,同时降低了开发成本,缩短了开发周期。

    This paper employs the software of Pspice for the optimizing design of electrocardiogram amplifying circuit rapidly , conveniently and accurately , it improves the quality and reliability of the circuit , lowers the cost of development and shortens the period of development in the mean time .

  7. 方法入选我院CCU病房急性心肌梗死患者108例(男性80例,女性28例),均于入院当日(急性期)、出院前日(恢复期),使用心电图仪记录300个RR间期。

    Methods QT interval variability was calculated from a one-lead electrocardiogram in 108 patients of acute myocardial infarction admitted in coronary care unit , each was measured twice , one in admission ( acute stage ), the other prior to discharge ( stable stage ) .

  8. 其中对心电图仪网络通信部分的两种模式作了详细介绍。

    The two patterns of the network communication is introduced in detail .

  9. 心电图仪用记录图纸基于心电图机的液晶显示心电监护仪

    Chart for electro-cardiograph ECG monitor with liquid crystal display based on ECG

  10. 本文设计了基于PC机的12导自动心电图仪。

    This text designed the PC based automatic electrocardiogram instrument which has12 leads .

  11. 这款心电图仪就正在美国发售。

    The electrocardiogram is being sold in the US .

  12. 心电图仪用记录图纸图章戒指(旧时用作图章)。

    Signet ring ( formerly used as a seal )

  13. 这些设备包括呼吸机、心电图仪等。

    The equipment includes ventilators , electro-cardio-graphs and more .

  14. 便携式心电图仪的研究与设计

    Research and Design on a Portable ECG System

  15. 家用心电图仪说级

    Grade . Research and Design on Household ECG

  16. 虚拟式心电图仪中的心电信息管理系统

    ECG Information Management System of Virtual ECG Instrument

  17. 基于虚拟仪器的胎儿心电图仪的研制

    Development of fetal ECG based on visual instrument

  18. 属于或关于心电图仪。

    Of or relating to a cardiograph .

  19. 最终形成操作简单、界面生动形象的虚拟心电图仪测试系统。

    Eventually form a simple , vivid image of the virtual interface ECG Test System .

  20. 心电信号放大滤波电路的研究与设计属于或关于心电图仪。

    Research and Design on the ECG Amplifying and Filtering Circuit of or relating to a cardiograph .

  21. 心电图仪是医生治疗心脏疾病的最有用工具之一。

    The cardiograph is one of the most useful tools doctors have in the fight against heart disease .

  22. 心电图仪是一种预防和治疗心脏疾病的重要医疗仪器。

    The ECG instrument is a very important medical apparatus which is used for prevention and treatment to heart disease .

  23. 它由数以百万计的电子测量仪组成,例如恒温计、污染检测器、摄像机、心电图仪等。

    It consists of millions of electronic measuring devices , such as thermostats , pollution detectors , cameras , EKGs .

  24. 本文介绍利用单片机设计便携式心电图仪的方法和应用。

    This text introduction makes use of method and its applications that a singlechip design recovers then hold type electrocardiogram the instrument .

  25. 通过与常规心电图仪对照实验,结果表明心率计算的准确率达到病房监护的实用要求;没有出现报警错误。

    Control experiment with general electrocardiograph , the result indicates the system meets the request of sickroom wardship and no misinformation alarm .

  26. 手持式心电图仪是心脑血管疾病患者进行自主病情观察和初步诊断的必备工具之一。

    The handheld ECG device is one of the essential tools which the heart patients with cerebrovascular disease use for independent observation and preliminary diagnosis .

  27. 心电信息管理系统与虚拟式心电图仪结合,使其成为该仪器的一个组成部分,不仅提高了它的使用价值,也增强了仪器的功能。

    Embedding the ECG information management system to virtual ECG instrument is not only enhanced the operating value but also increased the functions to virtual ECG instrument .

  28. 如今仅过了100多年,迷你心电图仪等产品的诞生,标志着创意正开始向相反的方向流动。

    Now , just over 100 years later , with products such as the mini-electrocardiogram , the flow of ideas is beginning to turn in the other direction .

  29. 本文以研究便携式心电图仪为目的,致力于心电信号特征参数的检测分析算法的研究。

    This paper study for the purpose of develops the portable electrocardiograph , and committed to studying the Detection and Analysis Algorithm which is used in detecting and analyzing the feature parameters of ECG signal .

  30. 应用自动控制理论和作者关于多级反馈放大器稳定性理论的研究成果,对常规心电图仪能够高保真地记录心电信号的动态理论进行了研究和探讨。

    The dynamic theory by which a conventional electrocardiograph can tracing ECG with high fidelity is present by applying automatic control theory and the author 's research result on stability theory of multistage feedback amplifiers .